White massacre claims ‘not real’, South African Court rules

White massacre claims ‘not real’, South African Court rules

The South African court has dismissed claims of a white massacre in the country as “clearly imagined” and “not real”, which reduces claims made by US President Donald Trump and his advisor Elon Musk.

As the ruling, the court blocked the donation of a rich beneficiary to the white domination group Boerlegioen.

Grantland Michael Brew asked the group to help the group to “pursue their messages of racial hatred and separation” for $ 2.1m (£ 1.7m).

But the court ruled that this request was invalid, vague and “contrary to public policy”.

Trump has mentioned “massive farmers killing” in South Africa, while Kasturi condemned what he said “racist ownership law” and the first “massacre of white people”.

Despite tightening the immigration, Trump has said that white South African farmers will be allowed to settle as refugees in the US as they said that they had to face that they had to face.

Musk was born in South Africa before going to America.

The court proceedings were brought by four brothers and sisters of Mr. Gray, who are also trustees and beneficiaries of the family’s trust.

In this, he claimed that his brother had become “suffering from an impending massacre of blond people in South Africa in the last 10 years of his life.

He died in March 2022.

Mr. Gray, who was paralyzed after an accident at the age of 26 while performing military service, also went mad, assuming that “massacre” would happen soon.

Judge Roshni Ellie briefly said in the February 15 judgment, “The idea was carried forward by the already existing racism and online materials, which he was highlighting.”

Mr. Gray first met members of Boaregio in 2020 and allegedly gave him about $ 326,000 (£ 258,000) in gold coins to help him to achieve the racist group’s cause and membership.

Booragio has described himself as a “civil defense movement that enables citizens to oppose the theft of their property with the slaughter of whites in the RSA (Republic of South Africa)”.

Mr. Gray later made the organization a beneficiary for his assets, specifying that a part of the money leads to various training programs run by the group.

But because there were three institutions affecting the names of Boorgio, the court found that Mr. Gray’s will “was vague that which unit was the beneficiary of his will”.

“The only expression of (of Sri Gray) intentions that is clear is the funds used for ‘training’ for funds -along with (their) claims that he wanted to have a fundamental It should be used to benefit, which he believed that one that will drive away every black person in South Africa and will be used to save or ward a white genocide, which is clearly imagined and not real , “Judge Eli said.

On the issue of public policy, Mr. Gray’s brother -in -law said that Booragione wanted to use money for “forward … racial hatred and his own messages of isolation”.

Boerlegioen says that it only provides safety and training services to communities and does not exclude anyone on the basis of breed, gender or religion.

Judge Elli ruled in favor of brothers and sisters and ordered Booragio to pay cost in the court case.

Earlier this month, Trump signed an executive order freezing financial assistance for the country on a new law permission by the South African government under some circumstances.

The situation of white South African farmers has long been crying a rally on the rights of American politics and a rally.

But despite several claims in the systematic targeting of the country’s white African minority group, local crime statistics figures depict a separate picture.

The South Africa does not release the crime figures based on the race, but the latest figures have shown that 6,953 people in the country were killed between October and December 2024.

12 of these were killed in farm attacks. Of the 12, there was a farmer, while five were residents and four employees who are likely to be black.

In contrast, 961 women were killed with 273 children.

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