What was in Rachel Reeves speech?

Rahel Reeves has set a series of key announcements on the infrastructure projects, including a banking plan for the third runway at Heathro Airport.
He promised to go “ahead and faster” compared to previous governments after years of dull development in Britain.
So what did he announce?
Heathro expansion
Reeves confirmed that the government is officially supporting the plan to construct the third runway Heathro airportArguing that it can produce 100,000 jobs.
The schemes received parliamentary approval in June 2018, but have been stuck in Limbo since then after legal challenges.
He invited Heathro to submit a plan to expand the airport, but promised that the government would only sign “conforming to legal environment and climatic objectives”.
The government has already supported the expansion City airport And Stanstad Airport Around London.
Decision to expand Luteon airport And construction of an emergency runway Gatvik airport Will be given soon, he promised.
The government will work with the mayor of the Doncaster Council and South Yorkshire to revive the closed airport, which aims to convert it into a prosperous regional hub.
There will also be a new partnership between Pologice and Manchester Airport Group, creating a new advanced manufacturing and logistics park, with £ 1BN investment and 2,000 jobs will be unlocked.
‘silicon Valley’
Reeves vowed to build “Europe’s Silicon Valley” between Oxford and Cambridge, promoting the growth of the region and unveiling policies to add £ 78bn to the UK economy over the next 10 years.
Funding for transport projects including East West Rail has been confirmed, and an upgrade on A428 between Milton Keins and Cambridge.
The University of Cambridge will open an innovation center at the center of the city, which will be built with 4,500 new houses after the environment agency demolishing its protest, and with schools with schools.
A new Cambridge Cancer Research Hospital will also be given priority.
Lord Patrick Vallance, former head of the government and now a labor minister, will be in charge of overseeing the project.
New reservoir
The government will allow water companies to unlock £ 7.9BN in investment to build nine new reservoirs A new fence reservoir to serve Cambridge,
Oxford will also have a new abscess reservoir.
Change the infrastructure rules
Reavs said that government guidance on the construction of major projects to support England’s rich and producer outside the southeast would be reviewed.
“This means that investment in all areas is given a proper hearing by the Treasury which I take.”
It will work with other major changes set in the upcoming government Plan and infrastructure bill.
Redevelopment of old traffic
One of the projects for profit is planned to redevelop the Old Trafford Football Stadium in Manchester United.
The Manchester is ready to make a decision by the end of the United season whether the existing stadium is to redevelop an 87,000-capacity location or build a brand-new 100,000-capacity ground.
The Old Trafford Scheme will use public funds to help revive the area around the stadium and transfer three railway goods to the terminals behind the stadium blocking the current redevelopment.
Business travel
Reeves announced that the government would host several trade trips.
Trade Secretary Jonathan Reynolds is going to India for trade talks next month, while the UK resets “relations” with the European Union.
Construction on our special relations with the United States under President Trump “is in the national interest, RiVs said.
National money fund investment
The government will invest in two green energy projects through the National Wealth Fund established under labor.
Reeves said that £ 65M would be given to the Electric Vehicle Charging Company Connected Curb project to increase its network.
Meanwhile, £ 28m equity will be invested in cornish metals, providing raw materials for solar panels, wind turbines and electric vehicles.