Up to 390 prisoners to be released early in Scotland

In order to reduce the jail’s population, 390 prisoners starting next month will be released in the latest step of the Scottish government.
The emergency law was passed last year which allows a sentence of less than four years to be sentenced to be imprisoned after a sentence of 40% instead of 50%.
The law will be effective from February 11, and an estimated 260 to 390 prisoners will see eligible for immediate release.
He will be released in three installments over a six -week period starting on February 18.
Justice Secretary Angela Constance said that the move should result in a “continuous decrease” in prisoner numbers.
The prisoners who have been sentenced for domestic misconduct or sexual offenses will not be eligible to be free quickly.
The next two installments of prisoner release will come on March 4-6 and 18-20 March.
‘Not a complete solution’
Constance said: “While there is not a complete solution, this Act will continuously reduce the number of prisoners so that the property of the jail can continue to work effectively.”
He said: “I fully recognize that the release of prisoners may be disturbed to the victims of crime and that for short -term prisoners, changing the release point has the ability to raise questions and create anxiety.
“That is why we will continue to work closely with the aggrieved assistance organizations to ensure that there is accessible information available to the victims on the change in the release point for short -term prisoners.”
The government said that the victims have already signed the victim notification scheme, if the prisoner’s release date changes will be automatically explained by the Scottish Jail Service (SPS).
Victims who are not signed up can contact SPS directly to get information.
Alternatively, they can nominate victim support Scotland, rape crisis Scotland, aid or children to get information about prisoner release on their behalf.

Scotland has a change of law A change in the south of the border The UK government as a minsters with crowded jails.
Over the long term, the Scottish government said that this could reduce the sentence of sentence to about 5%.
According to the latest data, Scotland jails had 8,223 – above the target operational capacity of 8,007.
In summer, about 500 people were allowed to go out early under an emergency plan introduced by the Scottish government.
It included prisoners who were sentenced to jail less than four years and who still had less than 180 days to serve.
But it was revealed in September that The jail’s population was already more It was before the initial release.
In October, the Scottish government abandoned proposals for the automatic initial release of long -term prisoners due to concerns from the victims of the crime.
The Jail Officers Association supported the new early release law, which it described as a step in the right direction in helping to reduce the number of prisoners “.
But the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents said that the new law would be seen “risking” the public.
Scottish Conservative Justice spokesperson Liam Kerr said: “The imminent introduction of the SNP’s careless initial release plan is the latest embarrassing betrayal of the victims.”