Union and Bishops criticize small boat refugee citizenship ban

Union and Bishops criticize small boat refugee citizenship ban

A major union has warned the Faith leaders and donations that the UK obtained citizenship of the UK policy can “Bread division and mistrust” banning refugees on small boats.

The latest guidance states that anyone who enters the UK has crossed the dangerous English channel – on a small boat or hiding in a vehicle, for example – citizenship will be denied.

Christina Macneya, Unison’s General Secretary, and nine Church bishops of England are one of the 147 signators of a letter, urging the Home Secretary seen by the BBC to reconsider the policy.

He wrote that the government should focus on ensuring refugees instead “it is welcomed and integrated into British life”.

The home office says that the government has only strengthened the rules that were already applicable to who can get citizenship.

The letter argues that citizenship is “not only a legal status”, but also “a tangible supply of safety, dignity and opportunity promises”.

“When refugees become citizens, they feel the feeling of being related to their children as a stable future for their own children and future generations.”

referring to A riot in a holiday in express in Roderham last AugustIt states that the response to that violence should be “to form an integrated community”.

It moved forward: “Labeling refugees who have not made any mistake of their own, have to risk their lives on the ships, or hide in the back of the lorries to reach security on our shores, a type As the second type of- the class person will simply breed the division and mistrust.

“It takes the risk of playing in a toxic politics that gives us ‘pits’ and then manipulated by the right to bring hatred and disorder on our streets.”

Also, the 2024 general election campaign includes Labor’s most generous union Backer’s Ms. McAna, £ 1.49m – other signators include Chemsford, Lester, Glusster and Dover’s bishops.

The refugee councils and the refugee action have also signed it with the Islamic Relief UK and other belief leaders, along with the conference of Liberal Rabbi and Rabbi, along with other faith leaders including Rabbi.

The new policy of the government means that any person applying for citizenship from February 10 will be denied illegally into Britain, no matter how long ago they came.

First, refugees arriving through irregular routes will have to wait 10 years before considering citizenship.

It has also been criticized by Labor MP Stella Kreesi.

A home office spokesperson said: “There are long -term rules that can stop those preventing illegal citizenship.

“The government is strengthening the measures to clarify that anyone who illegally enters Britain, including a small boat arrival has been denied a face with a British citizenship application.”

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