TV auctioneler puts wife in headlock, hearing in court

TV auctioneler puts wife in headlock, hearing in court

PA Media TV auctioneer Charles Hanson wearing a black coat holding a umbrella PA media

Charles Hanson arrived in Derby Crown Court on Monday

A TV auctioneer used violence against his wife over a period of 10 years, which began after putting it in a headlock during an argument, a court listened.

A jury was told that Charles Hanson began using “adequate force” against Rebecca Hanson, which from 2012 to leave visible points on some occasions, about two years later, they got married.

Mr. Hanson, 46, appeared in the Derby Crown Court on Monday, who was accused of controlling the attack by causing real physical damage and beating.

He denied all the allegations against him while appearing in court in February 2024.

Mrs. Hanson estimated that her husband would be violent for “every six months” after the first incident, the jury was told.

On one occasion in 2015, it has been alleged that Mr. Hanson of Ashborn Road in Mcworth, Derby “caught him so hard that he left three fingertip brruzes on his arm” which “really hurts and Causes to cry “.

Prosecutor Stephen Kemp said that Mrs. Hanson was “very afraid to call the police”.

He said: “He took a picture in a mirror of injury shortly after the incident, and then he took another one more days when he was hurt.”

PA Media Wearing an image of Charles Hanson wearing glasses, a blue suit and red tiePA media

TV auctioneler first denied all allegations against him

According to the prosecution, the couple had an argument in May 2022 as Mr. Hanson did not like their kitchen layout, and “caught her so forcefully that she left a red mark on her shoulder”.

In a message in May 2023, the defendant allegedly pushed her twice, Mrs. Hanson said to her husband: “I should not be afraid of my husband, they are to protect you, not hurt you.”

The court heard that in early 2023, Mrs. Hanson reached the platform where she felt that she had to leave her husband, before they talked to a wedding counselor.

Mr. Hanson was arrested in June 2023 at his house and during a police interview, refused to “grab, beat or squeeze his wife”.

The charge of controlled or forced behavior against Mrs. Hanson belongs to the period 2015 and 2023.

Mr. Kemp told the jury that the crime did not implement till 29 December 2015.

He said: “Whatever behavior was already done till that date, it cannot be a crime of controlling or forced behavior.”

The test, which is expected to last for two weeks, continues.

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