Thousands of birds should be placed on suspected avian flu

Thousands of birds are to be placed in county tyrone after the information of suspected avian flu in a commercial poultry complex.
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) was informed about a suspicious case in a business in Dungannon on Friday.
Minister Andrew Muir said that after further investigation, appropriate disease control measures were implemented, which includes “human kalinga of all poultry on the site”, which is 64,000 birds.
He said that this was a “precautionary measure”.
Temporary control area (TCZ) is also to reduce any other spread of the disease.
For Northern Ireland, the Chief Veterinary Officer, Brian Dohar, appealed to all bird owners, both “backyard and commercial”, to take necessary steps to protect herds.
He said, “This involves following all the requirements compulsory under the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ) and to follow all the requirements,” he said.