There is no excuse to not build 1.5 meters new houses, Raneer says

Political reporter

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rener has said that there is “no excuse” not to build the labor of 1.5 million new houses promised in its election manifesto.
The government has said that it will meet the house-beding target in England by 2029 before the next general election.
BBC Analysis Show The number of new houses in England continued during the first six months, in power.
Speaking from BBC on Sunday with Laura Kunsberg, Rener said that Labor had asked the target to kill the target, “Was going to be really difficult”, looking at the trend of householding before entering the government – but said That she was firm to complete it.
The secretary of the housing, communities and local government said that within a month of assuming the office, he was asked if he wanted to review the Labor’s residence target.
“I was not going to give up on the goal,” he said.
She said that she was personally “firm to meet that 1.5 million target” and said that policies such as improving the plan system “take time” to impact.
He said: “There is no excuse to not build those houses which are in dire need.
“And we mean business on this, because many people are not getting these houses yet.”
Hope of labor will reduce the prices of the house by building more houses and more affordable, especially for young people than buying and renting houses.
Its goal means that an average of 300,000 new houses in a year have not been received since the 1970s.
In recent years, the number of new houses created every year is much less than that figure.
The housing industry has expressed doubts about the labor target of the labor and can it be reached to 2029.
Construction industry has warned It is dealing with the chronic shortage of skilled workers.
There are also concerns about the availability of basic construction materials including bricks and wood.
And many housing experts are uncertain whether private householders are capable or ready to provide enough new houses every year.
House buying speed
This comes when the Rener’s department planned to speed up the process of buying the house and give more power to the lease holders.
The government said that it is planning to cut the transaction time by bringing digital identity services and date-sharing.
Currently, it may take months for a house sales related paperwork and can be investigated by the mortgage companies and others involved in this process.
The government stated that under the process of fully digital home-looting and sales, “Information major parties need from hostage companies to surveys-one time with necessary identity check, will be within the immediate access”.
The Housing Department said it was working with the property market and land registry to agree on the rules on data-sharing and digital ID verification services.
Through the Right-to-Mainase, there are also plans to empower lease holders to control their buildings more easily.
Wright -TU -Mainase allows some leasehold home owners to handle the building’s management – even without the agreement of the landlord – and gives them control of how their service fees are spent.
The government said that it will present a change in the leasehold and the Freehold Reform Act 2024 on Monday.
Housing and Planning Minister Matthew Penikuk said that reforms created our ongoing efforts to distribute 1.5 million safe and civilized houses in this Parliament and protect leasers suffering from unfair and inappropriate practices. “