The wrestler who broke his neck in the ring dreams of a comeback!

A professional wrestler who almost died after breaking his neck during a match said he was “determined” to return to the ring.
Lee Mitchell, of Hopton-on-Sea, Norfolk, was injured while competing in Colchester on 1 December.
While doctors have said he will never wrestle again, the 32-year-old – who wrestles as Michelle Starr – said he hopes to return in the “top two years”.
A 24-hour fundraising “wrestling contest” is being held in Norwich to aid his rehabilitation.

Mitchell told the BBC, “I’ve been overwhelmed by the love and care I’ve received. It’s a feeling of love I didn’t even know could exist.”
“The world is such an uncertain and conflicted place at the moment, it really showed how everyone can come together in someone’s time of need and not ask for anything in return.
“I want to be better for everyone I’ve helped. I owe them something and it means the world.”

Mitchell was taking part in an SOS Christmas in a cage match at the Charter Hall in Colchester when he attempted to catch a wrestler who had dived outside the ring.
He broke his C3 – a vertebra in his neck.
“It was just a move that went wrong,” said Saraya Knight, a fellow wrestler for the Norwich-based World Association of Wrestling (WAW).
“Everyone knows if you break your C3, it’s usually death, so for him to still be able to talk… it’s great.
“As one of his closest friends, I just want to raise enough money to rebuild his house, take the pressure off his parents and then consider getting Lee back into the wrestling world.” When we can get him back on his feet.”

Mitchell said he has slowly regained “a little movement” in his limbs over the past few weeks.
One online fundraising pageSet up shortly after his accident, it has raised almost £6,000 so far.
24 hour wrestlingHeld at WAW’s home on Diamond Road, the match kicked off at 15:00 GMT on Saturday.
WAW co-owner “Rowdy” Ricky Knight said, “It’s not a show in itself. People can just come, give us a tenner and stay as long as they want.”
“The response from other wrestling companies has been amazing,” he said.
“We’ve got a guy coming from Ireland, Italian wrestlers, someone from North Wales, Hull and Lincoln – they’re all sending people down.”

Mitchell, who may need to have her C3 replaced, said a final scan in a few weeks will show “the full extent of the damage.”
“I remain positive and optimistic, although I have my ups and downs,” he said.
“I am determined that I will return to the wrestling ring one day, and in the not too distant future.”