The woman was secretly abusing her house

The woman was secretly abusing her house

Nicola Hughes hid a secret camera in a radio in her mother’s bedroom at The Care Home.

Mona McLeinden

BBC Scotland News

A woman secretly filmed her mother’s misconduct in a care house, as she worked about her care.

Nicola Hughes, who is a registered nurse, hid a secret camera in a radio in her mother’s bedroom at Barogil House in Murali.

In the footage, the staff revealed to handle Janet Richie and shout at it. A careful was called a bedcloth on his head and called “rest in piece”.

Five people were rejected last year after the care home was informed about the footage.

However, the family continued to worry about the standards, which they raised with the care inspector – and it has now upheld four complaints against the house.

Nicola Hughes is a selfie of Nicola Hughes (right), which has her arm around her mother Janet Richie. They are sitting on a cream couch and smiling on the camera.Nicola hughes

Nikola complained about the care of her mother Janet

Nikola said that the family was initially happy when Janet found a place at home near Cluni in February 2024. Expert feature for people with dementia is located at a distance of bus miles from where they live.

The 67 -year -old Janet, who was a former careful himself, has dementia and double incontinence.

The family says that some employees of the Barogil House provide excellent care.

However, within the weeks of his entry, his daughter said that Janet looked distressed in the morning. Nikola said that her mother often smelled urine and was wet when he went.

Nicola said, “It is nervous to decide to install cameras in someone’s room because you are afraid – for me, fearful of the results for my mother. You are afraid of what you are going to find on these cameras.

“What I discovered was going to break the heart.

“My mother was leaving overnight without any welfare investigation. Unfortunately, my mother’s dissent, so she lay down in her own urine.

“Staff is abusing him orally, abusing him emotionally – telling him that he is smelly, telling him that he is stupid. Using my name against him.”

Nicola Hughes a selfie of Nicola with her mother Janet. Nicola is wearing a cream wool and Janet is wearing an orange jumper. They are sitting on a pink couch.Nicola hughes

Janet (right) has dementia and it is double incontinence

Nicola says that due to the severity of her mother’s dementia, it was very disintegrating to take her to a new house.

“Starting again is a big upheaval for him,” he said. “It would be inappropriate to move her about her again.”

Nikola wanted to improve the house, and said that she made several complaints for the management during the period when the footage was recorded.

“I continuously went to the house manager’s office and raised my concerns, and nothing changed,” he said.

When the family saw a member of the staff holding Bedcloth on Janet’s head and said “rest in piece”, he decided to inform the care house about the footage.

Five members of the employees were dismissed after an investigation.

But six months after the dismissal, the family still worries about the standards of care.

Nikola said, “I am only asking that basic care requirements are met.”

Nicola Hughes Janet with her husband Alex. They are sitting outside. Alex is wearing a check shirt and Janet is wearing a yellow T-shirt and a hat.Nicola hughes

Janet painted with her husband Alex

Last month, Care Inspectrate retained four complaints from the family about Janet’s care. It said that his personal care requirements were not always met, and his drug was not always administered properly.

Nikola said: “I think it is important to emphasize that these complaints are only to ensure that the house is operated on a better level, not only for my mother – but for all.”

Inspectors have given the deadline to improve the house.

In a statement, a spokesperson of the Barogil House said: “After the concerns raised by Mrs. Richie’s family in June last year, we took immediate action, resulting in the dismissal of five members of the employees.

“Later unannounced inspection mentioned our good staffing levels and commitment to mercy and respect, and we continue to work closely with all the relevant officials to improve – including a revised care plan for Mrs. Richie.

“Health and goodness of our residents is our extremely priority, and we aim to offer the highest possible standards of care and compassion.”

Nicola said: “It is difficult for families to see your loved one getting worse in front of you. And it has become incredibly more difficult because I don’t get to spend a quality time with my mother, because I am very busy nursing my mother effectively.

“I have no objection to nurse my mother, but I should spend quality time with her as a daughter, not as a nurse.

“I just want a safe route for my mother in these last few years of my life.”

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