The nurse ref refuses to compare a doctor to the rapist

A nurse was suspended after complaining about sharing a changing room with the transgender doctor, who refused to compare the drug to a rapist.
Sandy Pegi claims that Dr. To share the room with Bath upon – who is a trans woman – the amount of illegal harassment under the Equality Act.
employment tribunal, Which started from MondayIt is reported that in December 2023, Ms. Paigi and Dr. The words were exchanged between Apon.
It was heard that Ms. Pegi compared the doctor’s decision to use women’s changing room at Victoria Hospital, Kirkaldi for a dispute around “men in the jail”.
It was determined that she was referring to the case of a transgender rapist Isla Bryson, who attacked two women, while Adam was known as Graham and was and was. Initially a woman sent to jail,
During her second day evidence, Ms. Pegi claimed that she was earlier ignorant that a rapist was involved in the Bryson case, and said: “I ever compared Beth with being a rapist.”
Dr. Advocate Jane Russell Casey, who represented Upton and NHS Murali, suggested that the comment fed in a legend that Trans women were predators.
Ms. Pegi replied: “I was describing how women should feel with a man in jail and may find them strange to be a man in jail.”
Ms. Pegi, who has been a nurse in NHS Murali for more than 30 years, told the first tribunal that she felt “embarrassed and frightened” when Dr. Upton started converting into the room in December 2023.
“I told Bath that I thought it was unacceptable that the woman was in the changing area,” she said.
Dr. Upton has denied being uncontrolled during the exchange.
The tribunal heard a written account from another doctor, which said that Dr. Apon later appeared “extremely distressed”.
Ms. Pegi’s claim is disputed by NHS Murali, which has described the matter as unnecessary and disgusting.
NHS guidance states that trans men and women are allowed to use changing rooms that align with their gender identity.

Last month, it was decided that the tribunal would be heard publicly and Ms. Pegi and her legal team to Dr. Apon was allowed to refer to as a man.
Dr. Upton’s legal team, who said that the drug was deeply hurt by misleading, would be able to refer to its customer as a woman.
During her evidence, Ms. Pegi confirmed that she Dr. Apon was called a man and said that he believes that the drug is an organic male.
He admitted that it would be considered oppression under the diversity and equality guidance of NHS Murali.
The nurse also confirmed that he had a “strong opinion” and a praise for US President Donald Trump.
The tribunal also heard the texts between Ms. Pegi and a colleague, where he used women’s changing room. Expressed disappointment about Apon.
A lesson by the nurse said that he was Dr. in the changing room. After facing Apon, “was moving like a leaf”, saying: “Everyone clings to the minority.”
Dr. Upon complained to the Health Board about Ms. Pegi’s behavior after the exchange in December 2023, claiming that it was an bullying.
Ms. Pegi was placed on leave and then an investigation pending in January 2024. The Health Board encouraged him to return to work in a separate hospital in March last year.
The tribunal, which is expected to last up to 10 days, continues.