The Kovid Rules should have been the same throughout the UK – Heart

The Kovid Rules should have been the same throughout the UK – Heart

A photo Getty Image in 2020: In the face mask, couple walks next to a Kovid -19 warning sign with a high street, which recommends people to keep distance from each other with a police car in the backgroundGetty images

After the initial lockdown in March 2020, Covid-19 rules were imposed for more than two years.

A former cabinet minister has said that the rules should have been the same to try to limit the spread of Kovid during the epidemic.

Simon Hart has claimed that “politics in decision making” has separated restrictions After his concerned governments agree on things like wearing face masks in Wales and England.

Former Welsh Secretary and MP said, “I didn’t yet feel that decisions were being made purely on the basis of disease control and risk management.”

Welsh government has been asked to comment.

He said, “I think the widespread association of the UK is very high, a very clear but important message for the residents of Britain is very simple,” he said.

Heart was the state secretary for Wales December 2019 to July 2022 And a conservative MP for Carmerthan West and South Pembrookshire 2010 to 2024,

"I did not think that decisions were being made on the basis of disease control and risk management."Source: Simon Heart, Source Description: Former Welsh Secretary, Image: Simon Heart, Blue Shirt and Gray Jacket

They also served Parliamentary secretary (Chief Whip) Between October 2022 and July 2024 and now -has just published his book, Unqualified: political diary of a main whip,

Hart told BBC Radio Wales’ Sunday supplement It included “a disappointing reminder of some difficulties, who used to face all of us” and “” If we ever have to do that kind of work again, is it a better way to do so? “

He said that it was “much more complex than the fact that different places had different rules”.

Bans were imposed by a conservative government in Westminster and rules were set by a labor government in Sendd by a labor government in Wales.

Restrictions were imposed for more than two years Lockdown started in March 2020,

As of January 2022, a lecturer in psychology said People suffered “fatigue” and “uncertainty” on different covid rules,

At that time, the nightclubs in Wales were closed, hospital events and who could meet, but the ban in England was very less serious.

Mr. Heart recalled the announcements of the train while he and other railway passengers were traveling Savarn Tunnel To highlight changes in rules when wearing masks on either side of the Wales-England border.

“More and more, as we passed through the epidemic, I came to the conclusion that there was a lot of politics in deciding,” he said.

“I did not feel that decisions were being made purely on the basis of disease control and risk management.

“Some speeches and comments made by ministers in Cardiff were deliberately designed to run a nail between the two governments.

“And to doubt the minds of the inhabitants of Wales to only a extent that the decision being taken by the UK government may be a mistake.”

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