Sturgeon Scottish remains the biggest name in politics

Sturgeon Scottish remains the biggest name in politics

Glen campbell

BBC Scotland Political Editor

Getty images a woman, photographed from the chest, waving and waving with her right hand. He has short brown hair, combing the edge, and wearing a red top and matching the red jacket. A large crowd of people appears in the background in the image, which was taken in an auditorium. Getty images

Nicola Sturgeon is now pointing to a post-politics career

Nicola sturgeon should choose to stand from Holiroad in the next election.

Even though the former first minister loved to try to estimate the media.

When asked a few weeks ago, whether she is going to leave as MSP, she told reporters “you have to wait and see”.

In fact, his possibility of his stay to sit on his backbench and make worthy intervention was always thin.

For example, after the Scottish government’s response to the global epidemic personally, she must have been bored with tears.

In his early 50s, he still has time and has the ability to develop a later career.

This summer is published in the summer and has a string of events related to the book that combines its diary.

When he first left power, there was a lot of speculation about some kind of international job offer – until the police called.

The cloud hanging on everything is SNP’s ongoing investigation in finance.

The prosecutors still have to decide whether to take any further action regarding him and former party treasurer Colin Beatty – both have been arrested, questioned and released without any charge.

The Crown also has to decide whether the ex -husband of Nicola Sturgeon, or not to pursue the embezzlement of the embezzlement brought against Peter Murali, former Chief Executive Officer of SNP.

Operating branch

In the summer, the Operation Branchform Investigation launched in 2021, now it has been going on so long that it is not certain in any way that it would have concluded by the 2026 election time.

Whatever decision is taken, it seems that sturgeon/Murrail political power couples will face the future independently of each other.

Sturgeon recently announced on both of them that their marriage was over and for all intentions and purposes, they had separated for some time.

While his decision to stand as MSP was clear and much awaited, it is still the ability to start.

Nicola sturgeon is the biggest name in Scottish politics.

She was a player in Britain politics in which none of her successors could expect to be.

It was partially drawn from his mandate – an extraordinary run of the election victory that made the third -place party leader in the Westminster.

This gave him a voice in the debate about Brexit and offered a political contrast to the UK media with the succession of conservative prime ministers, including Boris Johnson.

He was also seen as a consistent threat to the continuity of the UK state, carrying forward the boundaries of deviation in search of his ambition to conduct another freedom referendum.

In the end, neither the forces of his personality or logic were able to bring about it.

His strategy collapsed when UK Supreme Court ruled Any future vote should be agreed with the UK government.

He has seats in the Scottish Parliament Chamber, sitting in front of Getty Images Nicola Sturgeon Hugh Yusuf. Sturgeon is touching his left cheek with his right hand and is wearing a black shirt white white hoops. Yasaf is looking towards the camera direction and is wearing a blue suit, white tie and purple and blue tartan tie. Getty images

The power-sharing agreement of sturgeon with Greens was eventually dug by his successor as the first minister, Hamza Yusuf

The latter matter of using the UK general election as a substitute referendum was lacking credibility.

It was an important factor that brought his leadership closer, as focused on his politics Switching gender identification – The irony is that today a topic of opposition debate in Holiroad.

SNP also caused divisions and widespread freedom movement The magnificent fallout stars did with his predecessor, Alex Salmond, When the Scottish government made complaints of harassment against him.

Then it was his attempt to resume Scottish politics by creating a power-sharing partnership with Greens to achieve political stability for the Scottish government.

That was a controversial system Her immediate successor closure by Humza Yasaf,

What will be his legacy?

She was the first minister to expand early learning and childcare and used new welfare forces to introduce the payment of a weekly child unique to Scotland – policies that he consider as important achievements.

While opposition parties say they will maintain these benefits, the financial sentinel warned that the limit of health and social welfare expenses in Scotland is unstable.

All this is part of the sturgeon heritage, as it counts for her departure in more than one year from the Scottish Parliament.

Nicola Sturgeon made decisions famous in a very tight circle and according to an advisor, its decision -making group once smaller.

By the end, the source said that she was working in “One Circle of One”.

It was finally his decision to quit the high position, as he is now completely to leave the frontline politics.

As he has noted himself in the past, Nicola Sturgeon is a public person who loved and hate him in almost equal measurement, but there may be some that would doubt that politics will be a dull place without his presence.

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