Singapore East-Minister went to the house arrest in jail

Singapore East-Minister went to the house arrest in jail

A former senior minister in the Singapore government, who was imprisoned after a high-profile trial last year, has been allowed to serve his 12-month sentence from home.

Subramaniam Iswaran was imprisoned on 7 October, when he convicted gifts of more than $ 403,000 (£ 300,000; £ 240,000) in the office, as well as obstructed the curriculum of justice.

The case of Iswaran held Singapore, where a corruption case related to a public officer is rare. The island nation that serves as a financial center of Southeast Asia, he is proud of himself with his clear clean image.

He was shifted to the arrest of the house on Friday, told by the Singapore Jail Service (SPS) to the local media.

In Singapore, prisoners can be transferred to the house detention after evaluating factors such as their conduct and rehabilitation response to jail.

Officials said Iswaran was “found to have a low risk of the risk of being abusive, no institutional offense was committed in the prison, and they got strong family support”.

Whereas in the house detention, they will need to wear an electronic monitoring tags and report to prison officials for consultation.

Local broadcaster channel News Asia saw eating food in his house on Friday.

Iswaran’s 12 -month jail sentence was sought during his test compared to both his defense team and prosecutors.

During their sentence in October, The judge said that public authorities like Iswaran should also be seen as “being more and more guilty in misusing their position to receive valuable gifts”.

Ishwaran is the first political office holder in Singapore to be tried in court in the last 50 years.

The last time a minister faced an investigation into corruption, when in 1986, when Development Minister Teh China Van was investigated to accept the bribe. He killed himself before accusing him.

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