Shaps says that changing the name of the Navy submarine is completely nonsense

Shaps says that changing the name of the Navy submarine is completely nonsense

The Royal Navy has announced that it is renamed a new submarine from HMS Againkort to HMS Achilis, which was called “Vok Nonsense” by former Defense Secretary Grant Shaps.

It follows the reports of concern within the Ministry of Defense that the original name of the ship – which is being built in Barrow, Kumbriya – would have angered the French.

The Agincourt mentions the battle that England won against France in 1415 as part of a hundred years of war.

On Sunday, the Royal Navy said that the submarine would be named HMS Achilis and this change was under discussion for more than a year.

A spokesperson said that Akilis is particularly suitable as the world is preparing to celebrate the 80th anniversary of victory in Europe and victory day in Japan – both of them are happening this year.

The previous ship named HMS Achlis received war honor during World War II. Another ship of this name participated in the Battle of Trophagar in 1805, when the Royal Navy defeated the French and the Spanish fleet.

Conservative former Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson announced the name Agincort for the first -construction vessel in 2018, which was the seventh of the ongoing Estute Class submarines. The first suggestions came that it could be named Ajax.

A Navy statement stated that the name change was under discussion for more than a year and “was proposed by the Royal Navy Ships Names and Bazing Committee and was approved by His Excellency Raja”.

But this change has created a controversy, not just because the announcement was made by the Sun Newspaper to publish a story on the internal debate on its planned name.

In a post on X, Shaps said, “Changing the name of HMS Agincort is no less than impure”. He said that the original name is a symbol of a decisive moment in British history.

The former Conservative MP said, “Under labor, silly nonsense is being put ahead with tradition and glorious heritage of our armed forces.”

There has been no public comment from French officials.

Changing the name of Royal Navy ships is relatively rare but not without example.

In 1939, the Royal Navy Carvet was named HMS Pansey, which became HMS Heartsees just before the launch.

The name of all the Estute Class submarines of the Navy begins with the letter A: HMS Estute, Embush, Artful, Audius and Anson are all in active service.

Along with HMS Achilles, HMS Agamemnon is also under construction.

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