Scientists say the Earth’s internal core may have changed the shape

Scientists say the Earth’s internal core may have changed the shape

According to a group of scientists, the Earth’s internal core may have changed the shape in the last 20 years.

The inner core is usually considered as a football size, but its edges can actually be distorted to a height of 100 meters or more in places, which lead research.

The core of the Earth is the heartbeat of our planet because it produces a magnetic field that protects life from burning in the radiation of the sun.

The inner core liquid rotates independently from the outer core and the rest of the planet. Without this speed, the Earth will die and the barren would be more like Mars that lost its magnetic field billions of years ago.

There may be changes in size where the extremely warm liquid metal touches the exterior core, the extremely hot liquid metal of the solid internal core.

Research has been published in the scientific magazine Nature Geosines. Scientists were originally trying to find out why the internal core could be slower than the rotation of the Earth again in 2010 in 2010.

Understanding how the original function of the Earth is, which is necessary to understand the magnetic field that protects the planet, and can it weaken or stop.

There is a very mysterious place inside our planet. The core is about 4,000 miles from the Earth’s surface and despite the best efforts, scientists have been unable to reach it so far.

Therefore, to try to unlock their secrets, some researchers measure shockwaves caused by earthquakes as they wave through the planet.

The way the journey of waves shows what kind of material they have gone through, including the inner core, and helps painting a picture of lying under our feet.

The new analysis saw seismic wave patterns from repeated earthquakes at the same place between 1991 and 2023. This helped to show how the internal core is changing over time.

Prof. Widel, an Earth scientist at the University of Southern California, found more evidence to support the theory that the internal core slowed around 2010 during those years.

But his team also found evidence of the changing shape of the inner core.

This is happening on the border of the internal and outer core, where the inner core is close to the melting point. Along with the liquid flow of the outer core -pulling from an uneven gravitational area can lead to deformation.

Professor Hrvoja Talikik of Australian National University, who was not involved in the study, stated that the paper “provides an interesting concept that should be discovered further”.

He said that it may allow scientists to “more informed more informed of some important physical properties, such as the viscosity of the internal core, which is one of the lowest known amounts in modern science”.

Over time the liquid outer core is freezing into the solid internal core, but it will be billions of years before it becomes completely solid.

This will almost certainly the end of life on Earth, but by then the planet is already likely to swallow by the Sun.

Pro Widell’s work is part of the investigation by experts around the world, who is searching and arguing what happens in the core.

“In science, we usually try to look at things until we understand them,” Prof. Vidal.

“In all possibilities, this discovery does not affect our daily life a quota, but we really want to understand what is happening in the middle of the Earth,” he says.

It is possible that changes are associated with changes in the magnetic field of the Earth.

He said, “There have been many tremors in the magnetic field in the last few decades, and we want to know if it is related to what we are looking at the interior core border,” he said.

Prof. Widel took care about the inserts of conclusions in ideas, that the core is going to stop walking at any time at any time.

He also said that there are still many uncertainty.

“We are not 100% sure that we are explaining these changes correctly,” saying that the limitations of scientific knowledge are always changing and, such as not all researchers, has been wrong in the past.

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