School phones do not promote ban grade or good, study shows studies

School phones do not promote ban grade or good, study shows studies

Getty images four school effigies are standing against a brick wall, not talking to each other because they look down on a phone each in their handsGetty images

Banning on phone in schools is not associated with getting high grade or better mental good, describes the first study of their kind.

Academics were found to have students’ sleep, classroom behavior, exercise or how long they spend on their phone, which are not separate for schools with phone ban and schools without overall.

But he found that generally spending a long time on smartphones and social media was associated with worse results for all those measures.

The first study in the world is in a terrible debate to see the rules of the school phone along with the measures of Pupil Health and Education, which has been played in homes and schools in recent years.

The lead author of the study, Dr. Victoria Goodyer reported that BBC schools do not have “on smartphones” against “smartphones”, but “the suggestions we are giving is that those restrictions in isolation are not enough to deal with negative effects”.

He said that “focus” now needs to reduce how much time the students spent on their phone, saying that “we need to do more than only the ban in schools.”

Published by Birmingham University findings, Peer-review and published Lancet Journal for European Health PolicyCompared to 1,227 students and the rules of their 30 different secondary schools were done to use smartphones in brakes and lunchtime.

Schools were selected from samples of 1,341 mainstream state schools in England.

Paper says that schools that banned the use of smartphones were not looking at their intended reforms in health, good and lessons.

But research found a link between more time on phone and social media, and worse mental good and mental health, low physical activity, poor sleep, lower grade and more disruptive orbit behavior.

The study used the internationally recognized Warvic-Edinburgh mental welfare scale to determine the good of the participants. It also saw the concern of the students and the level of depression.

This asked the form teachers whether their students were on the target, below or above the target in English and mathematics.

‘All the time on their phone’

Charlie found his first smartphone in the year 8 – but a strictly applied ban meant that he was not allowed to bring it with him until he started the sixth form.

Caught with a smartphone at Lower School at Lower School at TwiFord School in West London, it is seized for the rest of the tenure, which senior staff say it is a “unpopular” punishment that it acts as a strong preventive. Does.

Charlie says that the smartphone ban “forces you to walk out and chat with your friends”.

Now in the year 13, he feels that the ban at Lower School “maybe” has helped him spend less time to scroll social media – but many of his friends still “still” on their phone ” Are.

Branwen Jefferies / BBC Charlie smiles on camera, with a colorful noticeboard on the class wall behind itBranwen Jefferies / BBC

Charlie’s school did not let her bring a smartphone till the sixth form

Colin Crehan, head of Holi Trinity Catholic School at Small Heath, Birmingham, feel a “moral obligation” to help students use their phone in “safe and controlled space”.

He says that phones related issues, such as equipment learning is a distraction, are “miniskules” because their students give importance to “freedom”, they are given to use them at brakes and lunch.

“This is an important part of his life outside the school. (For teachers) Then go under the scope of banning it, within the school, we are eventually going to establish ourselves for a fight that we are going to win Are, “He says.

But where students from other schools have been banned on phone, they have told BBC News that they have seen benefits such as less bullying and better social skills – the factor is not involved in the study of Birmingham University. Its authors said that more research was required in the field to attract any link.

In YSGOL Aberconwy, Conwy, recently changed the rule so that students’ phones are closed inside the magnetic pouch until a teacher unlocks them for use during classrooms.

School suggested research Growing loneliness in schoolAnd suggests that Time on social media is associated with the satisfaction of low life for some children,

15 -year -old Georgi says that before changing the rules, the atmosphere in the school was “quite aggressive”.

“There were a lot of quarrels, and people will just take out their phones and start filming it. Many people will be very upset,” he said.

Now, Georgie feels that arguments do not grow so many times or often.

“People have come closer, because they are talking face to face,” he said.

This is a change that Georgi’s sister Charlotte, 12, got to hear about “convinced”, as he started the year 7.

The head teacher Ian Gerrard says, while the bullying has “not completely erased”, Pouch has “a safe place within school”, where students “do not need to worry about those things”.

It is expected that Rhodes/BBC News Charlotte and Georgi sit on the arms of a leather chair that their mother, Sara, are sitting at their family's house. They are all smiling.Hope Rhodes/BBC News

Georgie (R) says that his phone is “very intoxicated, especially if you go to ticket. I only get scrolling and scrolling, and then before I know it is half an hour”

Despite the lack of clear-cut evidence, Georgian’s mother Sarah says that she supports the policy of “Absolutely” Aberconvi.

She says that she has found it difficult to not be able to convey a message to her children at the time of examination.

“It would be good that it would be good to be able to communicate with them sometimes, ‘Is everything alright?” He said.

Other schools have found that parents want to contact children, when presenting new rules around the phone.

In a “brick” phone -keval policy in September within a few weeks of Fulham Boys School in West London, students were “over”, head teacher David Smith -but “Initial problems” from parents Was worried about Traveling to the capital without apps to help them.

A student was recently found in a bus going in the wrong direction, and ended at the other end of the line in the neighborhood of his house – to call a map or house without a smartphone on it.

Four boys and tie Phulham Boys at Fulham Boys School School Blazers stand outside the entrance of Boys School. They are all looking at their brick phone.Fulham Boys School

David Smith says that students were “a little fun” to return to school in September, standing outside the school gates “taking 10 minutes to send a lesson” because they were of their new brick phone Was worked to use, which can only be used for calls and basic text messages

Fulham Boys School David Smith takes a selfie with two students, who are his brick phone and smiling behind the school coach. Fulham Boys School

Mr. Smith (left) says that the rule extends to school visits – so the disciples spend 18 hours of coach for France on Brick phone in December.

Can intensify debate around the study Should the under -16 be prevented from being a complete smartphone,

Some schools say It is to work for parents.

Conservative party is among them Pressing the government To tighten restrictions within schools.

Labor has said earlier Answer can lie with social media ban for Under -16 Like Australia,

Responding to the study of the University of Birmingham, a government official said that the teachers had already made “clear guidance” to manage the use of the phone that worked for their schools.

The Online Security Act, which will soon be implemented, will protect the youth from harmful materials and ensure that they have an online age-appropriate experience.

The officer said, “There is a need for more strong evidence to reach a clear conclusion on the influence of smartphones on children, which is why we led by Cambridge University, our own research under the influence of social media on the overall goodness of children Started, “the official said. ,

Additional reporting by Branwen Jefferies and Hope Rhodes.

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