Scene ‘Didi’ is not guilty of updating combs

Scene “Didi” Comombs has requested not to be guilty for a revised prosecution, which includes new allegations of forced labor.
Supersiding prosecution alleged that Rap Mogul forced employees to work for a long time under threats of physical and iconic losses and at least one worker to engage in sex acts with him.
The lawyers of Mr. Comombs have denied that Rap Mogul has sometimes forced someone to sex acts and the matter revolves around consent relations with his girlfriend, The New York Times report.
His lawyers have also denied all the allegations and dozens of civil cases against him in the federal case which have been filed against him in recent months.
His lawyer Mark Agnifilo said, “He is ready for his day in court when it will be clear that he has never forced someone to engage in sexual activities against his wish,” his lawyer Mark Agifilo has said.
One of the most successful rapars in the US, Mr. Comombs is soon expected to face a case in a federal sex trafficking and racketering case.
Detailed new allegations in the revised prosecution are under raccizing charge.
Separate, Mr. Comombs faced dozens of cases, who accuse him of rape and attack. His lawyers have rejected the cases as “clear efforts to propagate”.
Mr. Comombs was taken to a wooden panal court room in the southern district federal court in New York on Friday, wearing a green tan gel jumpsuit, with brown hair and beard.
He chose to stand as he did not enter his guilty petition. When asked by a judge whether he saw and read the prosecution, he replied, “Yes, I have a head”.
Behind him, in public benches, his son Christian, his daughter’s opportunity, his mother Jennis Comombs – wearing big sunglasses, and friend Marwett Brito (a pracharak) came to support him, along with two other men who described themselves as part of the family’s “support system”.
Mr. Combes smiled in court, waving and blowing kisses for his family and embracing his lawyers.
Along with new allegations, there was a lot of discussion in the court between prosecution and defense lawyers. A video published by CNN last year In 2016, on the floor of a hotel hallway, he is seen showing the CCTV footage of Mr. Comombs, killing his ex -girlfriend, Cassandra Ventura.
Mr. Comomb’s lawyers reiterated their claims that the video was “misleading” and a visual expert found that parts of the video were excluded from the order, action took place, and the Timstamp was covered.
The prosecutors, on the other hand, described it as the “important” and “direct proof” of their case that they would present as a performance in the test. The judge urged him to make an agreement.
A lawyer from CNN and Ms. Ventura has denied what the lawyers of Mr. Comombs said about the video.
After the video was released in 2024, Mr. Comombs apologized for his behavior, saying: “I take full responsibility for my actions in that video. I hated when I did so. I am hating now.”
On Friday, the judge said that the jury selection is expected to start on May 5 and open the statement on 12 May.