Saudi PhD student freed after going to jail, activists say that

The activists said that the Saudi PhD student at Leeds University has been released from jail in Saudi Arabia, as his sentence was reduced after his important social media activity was reduced.
The 36-year-old mother of two, Salma al-Shehb, was arrested on leave in the Gulf Kingdom in 2021.
He was later called by a Terrorism Terrorism for six years to “harass public system” and “social taunts” for reforms and posts for the release of activists to “destabilize”.
The sentence was extended to 34 years before the appeal was reduced twice – already suspended with an additional four years for 27 years and then four years. There was no immediate confirmation of Saudi officials.
The release of the Shehb was first reported by the UK -based Saudi Rights Group Alqst, stating that he was subject to “four -year arbitrary imprisonment on the basis of his peaceful activism”.
He said, “His entire freedom should now be given”, including the right to travel to the University of Leeds,, “.
Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the real ruler of Saudi Arabia, has oversee a widespread rift on dissatisfaction in the last eight years, peaceful critics on social media have long jail sentence or even death after the cases by terrorism tribunal The rights groups have been punished by the rights groups that rights groups have empowered rights groups. Say it is unfair.
Shehb, a dental hygienist and medical educator, who was in the final year of his studies at Leeds School of Medicine University, called and recovered several messages for reforms, and rejected the release of prominent activists, clerics and other intellectuals before traveling before traveling State five years ago.
A post praised as a group of “prisoners”, which was a group of women rights activists, who were detained in 2018 just before banning women’s driving and later Was convicted for crimes against the state.
Amnesty International Researcher, Dana Ahmed, the Middle East, said Shehb was convicted of the allegations of terrorism “just because he tweeted in support of women’s rights and re -read Saudi women’s rights activists”.
“While today is the day to celebrate Salma’s release, it is also an opportunity to reflect many others, who are serving equally long sentences for their activities in Saudi Arabia,” he said.
“This includes other women such as Manahel al-Otabi, and Nora al-Qahatani, in jail to speak for women’s rights, and Abdulrahman al-Sadan, were imprisoned for 20 years for satirical tweet.”
The BBC has approached the Saudi Foreign Ministry and Leeds University for remarks.