Satellite imagery reveals Israeli military buildup in buffer zone with Syria

bbc verification

Recently released satellite imagery shows Israel Defense Forces building up within the demilitarized buffer zone that separates it from Syria.
The image, obtained exclusively by BBC Verify, shows construction work at a location more than 600 meters inland, known as the Zone of Isolation (AOS).
Under the terms of Israel’s 1974 armistice agreement with Syria, the IDF is prohibited from crossing the so-called Alpha Line on the western edge of the AOS.
“Its forces are operating in southern Syria, within the buffer zone and at strategic points to protect residents of northern Israel,” the IDF told the BBC when contacted about the photos.

Photos taken on January 21 show new structures and trucks in the cleared area.
Construction appears to have begun earlier this year, with low-resolution imagery showing gradual development on the site since January 1.
It appears that a new track or road about 1 km long connects to an already existing road that leads into Israeli territory.
Drone photos shared by a Syrian journalist on January 20 showed trucks, excavators and bulldozers at the site.
Jeremy Binney, a Middle East expert at defense intelligence company Jane’s, told us: “The photo shows four pre-fabricated guard posts that they will probably move into position in the corners, so this is where they plan to maintain at least an interim Making a presence”.