Raja is involved in the name ‘Vok’, Againkort submarine

Raja is involved in the name ‘Vok’, Againkort submarine

King Charles HMS was involved in the decision to change the name of a new royal submarine from HMS Againkourt to HMS Achils, a step that was branded “Woque Ruck” by former Defense Secretary Grant Shaps, described to the BBC.

change name Was declared this weekAnd obeyed the report of concern within the Ministry of Defense that the original name for the vessel could offend the French.

The Agencourt left a battle against France in 1415, which was against France in 1415 as part of a hundred years of war.

The move was also called “Vok” and “pathetic” by another former Tory Defense Minister Sir Gavin Williamson. It is not clear that Sir Gavin or Shaps knew that King Charles supported efforts to find another name.

Both the palace and the modes refused to comment on their participation.

Discussion about the naming of the submarine – which is being built in Barrow, Kumbriya – began more than a year ago – while the curses were still in the office.

A defense source suggested that the king started those discussions.

The names of ships and submarines are laid forward by the names of Royal Navy ships and then approved by the Emperor.

HMS agencourt agreed under the name Queen Elizabeth II, but defense sources say that King Charles wanted another name and has given his approval to HMS Akils instead.

The Royal Navy said “the name was proposed by the name of Royal Navy Ships and by the Bazing Committee and approved by His Excellency the King”.

The Navy said HMS Akilis was particularly suitable as the 80th anniversary of World War 2 was marked this year in which HMS Akilis had received war honors.

The original name, HMS Agincort, was first announced by Sir Gavin in 2018.

It would be the sixth Royal Navy Ship to bear the name of the famous victory in 1415, when Henry V’s army defeated French.

But there were concerns – both within and outside the Ministry of Defense – that reviving the name can lead to unnecessary crime for France – a major partner.

Sir Gavin Branded names change a “Vok Moment”, which he called the “pathetic” Ministry, while Shaps disintegrated the decision as evidence of “holy” and “Labor’s Vok Fuck”.

Chris Parry, a former NATO commander, also told Times Radio that the decision to change the name of the submarine was “Crevan political purity and ideology went crazy”.

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