Pure migration to push the UK population up to 72.5 meters – on

Pure migration to push the UK population up to 72.5 meters – on

Sophia Pherrera Santos

BBC News

Crowd to get out of a train at Waterloo stationAFP through Getty Image

Statistics show that the British population may increase by about five million in the next decade.

Net migration may increase by 72.5 million in the UK population by 2032, showing data.

With an increase of 6.1% in the last 10 years, the office of National Statistics (ONS) has estimated a population growth of 7.3% between 2022 and 2032.

This number is largely based on pure migration – the difference between those entering and leaving the country – an estimated 4.9 million people over a period of 10 years.

The number of births and deaths is expected to be almost equal and to be an additional 1.7 million pensioners by 2032.

Between 2022 and mid -2032, ONS estimates suggest:

  • 6.8 million people will be born
  • 6.8 million people will die
  • 9.9 million people will migrate to UK long -term migration
  • 4.9 million people will last longer from UK

Reacting to the figures, Chhaya Home Secretary Chris Filp stated that the long -term numbers in the UK were “shocking and unacceptable”, and “should be prevented from materialization.”

He said, “Ten million arrival in 10 years is very high”, he said: “We need a binding legal cap on the visa issued every year which is very less to bring numbers down and under control, due to which many Is less.

England are expected to see an increase in the largest population among the UK countries, with an increase in a project of 7.8% compared to 5.9% for Wales, 4.4% for Scotland and 2.1% for Northern Ireland.

Natural changes in population – Number of birth and death – is estimated to be “around zero”.

This is because a large number of people born in large numbers of deaths are expected to increase in old age, which are in old age.

Estimates also highlight the rapidly growing population, and suggest that low fertility rates can cause less children.

The ONS insisted that the figures are estimated – not predictions or forecasts – and warned that the actual number could be higher or less than suggested.

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