Promoted Crimean Tatar captured by Russia, Ukraine in Higher Office. Russia-Ukraine War News

Promoted Crimean Tatar captured by Russia, Ukraine in Higher Office. Russia-Ukraine War News

Kyiv, Ukraine – Seventeen years in jail for “smuggling explosives” and “a diversion” to blow up a natural gas pipeline.

The sentence is Nariman Duhelle, a Crimean Tatar community leader in the Annexed Black Sea Peninsula, assigned after a year-long testing in 2022 that Ukraine disintegrated as “trump-up” and orkestrated by Kremlin.

Dzhelyal, 44, denied all the allegations against him. He said that he could have been accused from “separatism” to “efforts to reduce Russia’s constitutional order”.

It is alleged that thousands of Kremlin critics and Muslims have faced Chechenya, Dagestan and most of the other Muslim areas.

But in the case of Dzhelyal, he and other Tatar activists believe that Kremlin chose “Diversion” as a possible excuse for the widespread harassment of Meshalis, informal Tatar Parliament and the entire Tatar community workers.

In 2016, Kremlin labeled Masalis the “extremist” organization “.

“Through my case, there was a possibility – and still there is one – Majalis not only to announce an extremist, but also to announce a terrorist organization, and to spread harassment to all his workers,” Dulil’s office I told Al Jazira. Masalis.

He was released in a prisoner swap in June 2024, who arrived at Keev to congratulate his family, dignitaries and reporters.

If Masalis was branded a “terrorist”, no one was displayed its symbol – including Tamga, a blue flag with a yellow seal, which is omnipotent among Tatar drivers – facing a jail Will have to be done

The Tamga has returned to the Muslim dynasty that ruled Crimea as part of the Ottoman Turkia until Russia canceled it in 1783.

However, Kremlin has chosen against widening the crack.

Observers say this reason may be different from the conflict of interest between Russian law enforcement agencies and political clans due to pressure from Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan.

“There is no proper argument; Various agencies are unrelated and not-always-there are interests and views, ”Vyacheslav Likachov, the advocate of Kiev-based rights, told Al Jazira.

However, Moscow still sings the Tattars, which includes only 12 percent of the Crimea population in a 250,000 community.

What rights groups have told 208 “political” prisoners of Crimea, they say that there are 125 Tatars.

Several arrested Tattars wait for the cases for months or years, and were sentenced to jail on “terrorism” to “defaming Russian army”, which often end up in distant Siberian jails.

“People are put in jail for nothing. These people did not blow anyone, did not kill anyone, did nothing like this, ”Dzhelyal said.

Tatar once dominated Crimea, but these days, most of the population of the peninsula are ethnic Russia and Ukrainians, whose ancestors arrived after the exile of the entire Tatar community of 1944.

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin accused him of “cooperation” with Nazi Germany, but experts say that the real reason was the geographical and cultural proximity of Crimea that was only 270 km (170 miles) for Turkey in the Black Sea and hundreds of years Used to share the history of

Tattars were deported in cattle cars in Central Asia, with little food or water, and about half the passage.

“One day will not be enough, one or two books will not be enough to explain how they harassed us. When we die, our bones will remember it, “An elderly villagers who escaped exile told the reporter in 2014 a few days before the Moscow-Aegend” Referendum “, which made Creamia a part of Russia.

Dzhelyal’s father, Enver, had six in 1944. His family ended in the city of Uzbek, Suraj-Jhanjhat of Nawo, where he would work in a chemical plant and meet Nariman’s mother.

He died in 2022, and Nariman was not allowed to leave jail to attend his funeral.

“It’s not able to say that the farewell was not easy,” Dzhelyal said. “But this was the desire of Allah; I think a Muslim feels that way. ,

The community dreamed of returning to Crimea, but Moscow only allowed it to be in the late 1980s – without compensation of lost life and property.

Tattars were mostly settled in Northern Crimea, while locals demonetted them and instigated them, and regional authorities did not allow them to work in law enforcement and administration.

When Moscow flew into thousands of soldiers and held Russian rallies in Crimea in February 2014, Tatar leaders immediately understood the danger.

They knew how Moscow handled “extremism” in Muslim-confusing areas in the North Caucasus and Volga River region.

Dzhelyal recalled a conversation with a checch man, who begs with him not to “let them treat ways to treat you”.

“They kill many cheches because there are Tatars,” the man told him.

Masalis chose a Gandhian policy of non -violent resistance.

“Russia was provoking a struggle. They just needed one, as it would justify the presence of the Russian army as ‘peace soldiers’, “said Dazli.

Tattars Testern stayed away from changes with Russian soldiers and “self -defense” units, which were kept together and trained by Russian authorities.

Dzhelyal and other TATAR leaders claimed that Moscow was specially brought to Serbian Ultra-Nationalists who participated in the Sarbrenica massacre of the 1995 Muslims.

In March 2014, this reporter saw four armed Serbians patrolling a road in Southern Crimea.

Analysts stated that non-violent resistance helped prevent Crimea from converting into another Chechenya, where Moscow’s “counter-terrarator operation” turned into a war.

“There is no anti-terrorism operation because Tatar resistance is essentially non-violent. And the religious factor is less than other Muslim regions of Russia “significant”, Kiev -based human rights advocates and soldiers told Al Jazira.

However, blood was dropped.

According to the activists, a Tatar protector was kidnapped before the “referendum”, and his tortured body was taken out of his eyes.

Dozens of tattars were kidnapped and considered dead. Hundreds have been arrested, or their homes are discovered by armed men who often break down in dawn, in terrible children.

Tatar businessmen face pressure, blackmail and expression.

However, dzhelyal is adamant on the fact that “Ukraine is wasted to be independent of any dandruff”.

“Soon or later, we will find some priorities for (Tatars), and it will always ange Moscow,” he said.

On 20 December, Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelancesi appointed the ambassador of the Dazelial Ukraine to the Turki.

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