Pre-reconciting French child admits ‘low acts’ in child abuse test

Pre-reconciting French child admits ‘low acts’ in child abuse test

Joel Le Scornene's AFP court sketch in his first lawsuit in 2020AFP

Joel Le Scornene’s court sketch in his first lawsuit in 2020

A French pre -surgeon accused of abusing hundreds of patients, most of them told a court that he accepts “disgusting acts” and “to understand and share the victim” due to his alleged victims.

Joel Le Scornenek is accused of attacking or raping 299 patients, between 1989 and 2014, a vast majority under the age of 15, mostly in Brittany.

“I fully know that these wounds are indelible, beyond repair,” Le Scornene said, in a stop but in a clear voice.

The 74-year-old white-haired, who wore glasses and a black zip-up sweater on a gray shirt, was addressing the court in North-West France, on the first day of the biggest behavior test in French history. ,

Warning: This story contains dangerous details

“I can’t go back, but I refuse it (victims) and their relatives to accept their actions and the results they do and they will undoubtedly continue throughout their lives,” Le Scornenek told the court .

Throughout the day – which was mainly dedicated to technical action – he looked attentive, but did not have any special response when two blind nervous men in the 30s in the 30s to identify themselves as their victims. Took

The smallest one and the oldest 70 of the alleged victims of Le Scornenek was 70.

The police were able to identify thanks to the carefully compiled diary, alleging that he had logged into the attacks on his young patients in more than 25 years.

He was already imprisoned before 2017 to misbehave with four children, of which he was found guilty in 2020.

Many of the plaintiffs were allegedly abused, while he was under anestheticia or recovering from surgery to hospitals across North France – which means many of them had no memory of abuse, which he said He was constantly, and police told him that his name was seen in the diary of Le Scornenek.

Public prosecutor Stephen Kelenberger said in the court, “Everything in this terrible story is out of the normal … It was not the victim who contacted the investigators but the investigators alerted the victims.”

“Many of them had no memory … Many people did not know. But silence ruled for a very long time.”

Many other people, who are allegedly being abused, have said that the influence of events has followed their entire life, in many cases serious psychological trauma occurred.

A few years ago, Mauriceat Vinet, the grandmother of a scornene patient, who committed suicide, told the BBC that his grandson Mathis was “killed” by the alleged misbehavior of Scornene.

“If he had not happened, Mathis would still have been here,” he said.

Defense lawyer Maxim Tissier on Monday told the trial that Le Scornene acknowledged the “vast majority” of the allegations against him and his client would soon “explain himself” regarding the allegations.

“He is a defendant who has made himself fully available in court … despite his age,” said Mr. Tissier.

Le Scormek said in the court that during his police examinations he “tried his best to accept the incidents that formed rape and who were not in my view”.

Reuters Franceska Satta, Lawyer for some alleged victims of Le Scornene, talk to the media on MondayRoots

Franceska Satta, lawyers of some alleged victims of Le Scornene, talk to the media on Monday

Dozens of lawyers were also present in the court, but hundreds of alleged victims that they represent, they were sitting in a separate overflow room due to their sheer number. Many psychological and emotional support dogs will be at hand during the test.

Presiding Judge, Aud Bureausi read a graphic and fierce summary of allegations against Le Scornene, as well as his interrogation in 2020, in which the former surgeon initially denied that his diaries misused real life. Refung and only retailing. Of his “fantasies”.

But Ms. Buressi said that many elements – including the expansion and level of choice of words used by Le Scornene indicated that the diary was most likely.

In his small statement in court on Monday, the former surgeon referred to his writing as “very violent”.

An hour before the proceedings, a few dozen protesters staged a rally outside the court room, “Stop the phrase” stop the silence, while another sign “Who knew?”

Victims and child advocacy groups stated that “systemic failures” allowed Le Scornene to continue working with children.

In 2005, the FBI warned the French officials that he was reaching the child abuse websites, but it resulted in a suspended punishment and did not get any results in the workplace.

Later, when Le Scornenek was working in a hospital in Quimperley, he allegedly sexually assaulted a young patient, extended the suspicion of a colleague, which alerted the Regional Medical Association and suspended him Find out about punishment.

The members of the association were called and all but a doctor – who avoided – voted that Le Scornenek did not violate the Medical Code of Ethics. BBC has approached the Regional Medical Association for comments

The body’s secretary Didier Robin said on Monday that the association is now suppressing the allegations for “bringing the medical profession into chaos” against Le Scornene.

His statement removed a rapid refutation from lawyer Fradrics Benoist, represents a child protection advocacy group La Woakes de Laras (child’s voice) and first told the BBC that due to the scornene “a big degree” He was able to do his work “laxity” among medical professionals.

Mr. Benoist stated that it was “morally indecent and legally suspected” that the Medical Association was allowed to be listed as a plaintiff. “It is unacceptable that (the association) is sitting with the victims,” ​​he said.

Monday’s session shut down early – something that is unlikely to be re -tested during the test, which will run on a tight program and end in June.

At the request of the plaintiff, some sessions will be held behind the closed doors – but its large parts will be open to journalists and members of the public.

Le Scouarnec’s ex-wife and their siblings will be heard in court on Tuesday.

Asked why she was participating in such action, which would undoubtedly include abusive and graphic details of misconduct, a woman queued up to enter the overflow room that she tells the BBC that she tells the BBC that she ” The doctor wanted to see this Mr. Event.

“I want to see what human nature can be capable, because all this – it’s beyond me,” he said.

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