Police apprehended 90mph on 30mph roads

About half of the UK police forces have caught motorists, driving more than 90mph (144 km/h) on 30mph roads by the end of August in 20 months, says RAC.
A total of 48% of forces found that the drivers were more than three times the range of 30mph, while 90% saw people driving at 60mph.
The highest recorded speed on 30mph roads was 122mph in South Yorkshire. For 20mph roads, the top speed was logged at 88mph by the North Wales Police.
The highest recorded speed on any road was 167MPH at 70mph stretch of M1 in Lecesterreshire.
The biggest difference between recorded speed and speed limit was 161Mph at 50mph in the seginal.
This data came from independence of information, which was done to 45 police forces belonging to the period from January 2023 to the end of August 2024. Forty forces provided data.
RAC Road Safety spokesman Rod Dennis said: “Although this data is a snapshot, it throws a light on some incredibly dangerous tasks, which are putting the law users in serious risk. Thankfully, thankfully That the driver was in hand to catch the police.
West Midland’s Mayor Richard Parker said: “Many people are being killed or seriously injured and we need to act now”.
According to government data, speed is the biggest factor described in a deadly road collision. The speed in 2023 contributed 888 deadly, and more than 39,000 conflicts of all severity.
More than 24,000 vehicles were caught on camera of over 100mph (161 km/h) between 2019 and 2023, police shows data.