Museums to return more human residues to air

BBC News NI Education and Art Correspondent

The National Museum North Ireland (NMNI) has to further return human remains to air.
Human remains and other holy items were First renovated From NMNI to Hawaii in 2022.
That came after the identity of NMNI Some items were stolen from other countries Or the slave is associated with trade in the midst of its collection.
It is now located in 1840 with three additional ancestral human residues (EV Kupuna) taken from Hawaii and plans to return them.

William Blair, National Museum Northern Ireland Director of Collections, (NMNI) from BBC News Ni said that the museum “to address historical mistakes and apply the disintegration of the collection, for the correct repatriation of the collection to the source communities, for the correct repatriation of the collection Was committed. “
“We welcome the opportunity to work and learn from partners like the Office of Aerial Affairs (OHA) and the IWI Kuamo’o to do this important work and, as we do so, based on morality, respect and Suffice to create a strong relationship. “

He said that the remains and sacred objects were taken from air in 1840 “independent, pre -informed and without informed consent.”
He also said that “the 19th -century Evi was being brought to the berfast of Keepuna and at that time, given the lack of professional collection management standards,” he was unable to detect three sets of remains in 2022.
“Through our ongoing procedures of collection reviews and documentation projects in alignment with formal professional standards, the National Museum NI was able to detect the missing IWI Kῡpuna at Ni November 2024.”
“We immediately informed the lead compliance expert in OHA, Kamakana Farera, as he was involved with the original claim.”
BBC News NI has also approached OHA for comment.