Mother stabbed in front of girl, 3 – stabbed in front of court

Mother stabbed in front of girl, 3 – stabbed in front of court

Jeremy Britain

BBC News

Reporting fromOld belly
Handout Cher Maximen, a young woman who is looking at the camera with curly hairTheisis

Cher Maximen was stabbed in the waist and died six days later

A woman was badly stabbed in front of her three -year -old daughter after being trapped in a fight between a group of men at Notting Hill Carnival, a court heard by a court.

32 -year -old Cher Maximen was stabbed in the waist with a zombie knife on 25 August – the first day of the incident and known as “Family Day” – Old Bailey was reported. He died in the hospital six days later.

Shakil Thibau, a 20 -year -old Kensington in West London, denied his murder, attempted to kill another 20 -year -old man and keep an aggressive weapon.

Prosecutor Edward Brown Casey said: “This is a shocking weapon, let’s use alone, but it was used by the defendant and with disastrous consequences.”

Mr. Thibau’s brother, Sheldon, 25 and 22 -year -old Sham are also on a trial for assaulting an emergency activist and violent disorder, which they refuse.

The court heard that three defendants were included, associated with three defendants, which took place at Golbourne Road, North Kensington at around 18:00 BST, while the carnival was “in full swing”.

Hundreds of people were nearby, among them Ms. Maximen and her daughter.

“It is clear that she was just caught in the events,” said Mr. Brown.

‘Really shocking attack’

While Sheldon and Sham Thibau fought with two men, Shekil Thibau, another, told Edue Isaac as a witness as a witness, Mr. Brown told the court.

As Mr. Isaac tried to avoid stabbing, he came in contact with Ms. Maximen, who fell to the ground, the jury was told.

He grabbed the Shekil Thibau’s coat to lift his feet back to the point at which he tried to strike on it with his hand and then one leg.

“At this time Shekil Thibau raised the knife directly towards Cher Maximen and deliberately insisted him, stabbed him in the waist,” said Mr. Brown.

“Cher Maximen suffered a terrible injury, from which he died. It was actually a shocking attack – and is believed to be so by the people around it.”

The gamblers were told that they would watch video footage, which was captured by CCTV and body-vorn police cameras, showing how Mr. Isaac showed a knife back to his stomach and stomach as Shekil Thibau. Threw it again and again.

“When you come to check the footage of the attacks, you will see that he will avoid the results of that attack by knife and centimeter,” said Mr. Brown.

The test is going on.

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