Man is waiting for ‘Limbo Me’ Advisor appointment

BBC News NI Health Reporter

A county entream person has said that waiting for a advisor to see is controlling his life and he is in Limbo.
The 62 -year -old Terry cannon from cails outside Balmina is waiting for the diagnosis of the stomach problem after experiencing internal bleeding.
Their GP is trying to treat and manage their symptoms without diagnosis.
The chairman of the Northern Ireland General Property Committee said that the effect on patients in the waiting list is “absolutely disastrous” and their conditions deteriorate because they wait.
‘My first idea was cancer’
Mr. Cannon said that he postponed cataract surgery because his symptoms are so unexpected, they do not like to leave their home.
He was sent by his GP to an advisor in October.
“People don’t understand that, when you are in a situation where you are actually losing blood, my first idea was cancer,” he said.
Waiting for the appointment, Shri cannon stated that the pain started and increased “on the stage, where, on a scale, I was doing cramps at the level of eight”.
Mr gone for cannon colonoscopy And, while he was told that he did not have cancer, he did not get a diagnosis.
He was sent to another advisor and another waiting list.
This time it was gastroenterology.
He said that he “perhaps innocent” assumed that he was in the process of treatment, and would be follow -up appointments during the weeks.
“I am now on a new list, and this list, although it is necessary, is longer than before,” he said.
Mr. Cannon said that he was “angry” and “disappointed” in the present situation.
“The way the system works, you initially look at your GP, which takes you to the advisor and now you are in the care of the advisor”.
However, because they have not yet made the first appointment with the Gastroenterology consultant and are not yet in their care, they feel “in Limbo”.
‘extremely angry’
The GP of Shri cannon has “given the drug to treat the real cause” to treat the symptoms, as the reason can only be determined when I get a second process “.
He is on high -power steroids, but he said that he could not stay on them for a long time.
“It makes me very angry,” he said.
“I paid my taxes, I paid my national insurance, and I probably did not go to the doctor for 10 years.
“Now I need that help, and all the money I invested in National Health Service, I am not getting any benefit from it.”
He said that he felt that he and hundreds of others were just “names in the list”.

Dr. Alan McCull is the GP of Mr. Canon in Entry Health Center and Family Practice.
Dr. McCull is eligible for 35 years and said that the management of patients in the waiting list has become an issue in the last five to 10 years.
He said that a good part of his working day is taken with patients who have long -term conditions that require investigation and treatment.
Dr. McCulla said that he admitted that all services were under pressure, and “what we are trying to do is a perfect resource and we need to use the best of what is available for these patients”.
“Our general point is that we want to get the right person seen by the right person at the right time,” he told BBC News NI.
He said, “There is nothing worse than knowing what will be a situation and treatment can be available there, but when you know that you can improve their quality of life, it will take one to two years.”
Dr. Macullah said that lack of treatment affects the quality of life of a patient, especially if it is an old life.
He said, “Your health will deteriorate in the next few years, so the advantage of that treatment can be lost to a large extent as long as you get treatment, as you never return those years on the quality of your life, when you are waiting,” he said.
Dr. Try to manage your symptoms meanwhile, meanwhile patients such as McCulo, terry.
He said, “He is not yet an allotted advisor, but if he was lying on a corridor, there would be an advisor, but we are trying to avoid the pressure on acute services by holding the majority of clinical needs in that community, where most people are,” he said.

Chairman of Northern Ireland General Property Committee, Dr. Frances O’hagan said that the condition of patients deteriorates while waiting.
“They are in the list for joint replacement, for example, and they are in pain. Their pain is deteriorating. The dynamics are decreasing. They are probably not able to function and on the increasing dosage of the painkillers”.
“It’s not just months, this is the year. The patient’s journey is just so terrible.”
Dr. O’hagan said that the first one is diagnosed and the sooner the intervention is, the better the results are, but thousands of people in the waiting list affect patients along with normal practice.
He said that fixing the waiting list will cure many problems in “secondary care and primary care.
‘This will change my life’
Mr. Cannon said that he would like to listen to the ring of that phone and says, Terry, an appointment is empty you can participate? And I will be out of the door.
“This will just change my life in minutes,” he said.