Man accused of Dublin Stab murder in court in Belfast

In the weekend, a person in Belfast has been produced in court on charges of killing a 34 -year -old man at Dublin City Center.
Ryan Needen, 23, a 23 -year -old Boroimhe Birch in Dublin, is accused of killing Quam Babatunde.
Mr. Babutunde died after stabbing near Grafton Street in the early hours of Saturday morning.
A detective constable said that she was aware of the facts of the case and could link the accused with the charge.
Determining the facts of an prosecution lawyer’s case, described the incident as a “group scuffle” in the early hours of Saturday morning.
He said that the court had identified the accused to reach the deceased with a knife hidden under a puffer jacket on CCTV.
He said that Mr. Babutunde was stabbed four times, which once included through the heart, which proved to be fatal.
The prosecution counsel said Garda used CCTV to track the defendant through roads in a rented apartment in Dublin 8, where a knife was recovered.
He said that the knife was still going through forensic examination.
The court heard that Mr. Neded arrived by bus in Belfast on Sunday afternoon, where he later boarded a boat for Birkenhead.
The prosecution counsel said the boat was rotated around and the accused was arrested in Belfast.
‘Many different details’
A defense lawyer representing the accused said that the court did not have jurisdiction in the case.
He also told the court that the accused’s details did not match the evidence of alleged identity against him.
Detective said that the alleged criminal had “many different details”.
District Judge Alan White said that he held an jurisdiction in the case.
No bail application was made and Mr. NDEDE was sent to custody.
He is due to appearing in the Belfast Magistrate Court on March 21 via video link.
An application was given for legal aid.