Mali executed women and children executed ‘women and children executed to check claims

Mali executed women and children executed ‘women and children executed to check claims

Mali’s military government says it is investigating the allegations that the soldiers “cool” at least 24 citizens in the north of the country on Monday.

The claim was made by a separatist Tuareg rebellious alliance, called Azavad Liberation Front (FLA), which is struggling with the Malian government in the same region.

The FLA accused the Malian forces and Wagoner Hire people of intercepting two passenger vehicles, traveling to Algeria from Malian city of Gao and killing citizens including women and children.

In a statement, Army chief General Omar Dyrera said the allegations “claimed” unfounded “claims against” state forces “by the terrorist network, colleagues and sponsors.

Over the years, the Malian government has been struggling against both Tuareg rebels, demanding a breakway in North and Jihadi groups associated with al-Qaeda and Islamic State Group.

In 2020 and 2021, the army, which confiscated power in the follicle, hired Russian fare soldiers from the paramilitary group Wagner to help improve security in the country.

Government forces and Russians are frequently Accused by rights groups to misuse gross human rights against citizensWhich they refuse.

Last month, Mali was one of the three countries under military rule, after denying his demands to restore civil rule, to release the West African Regional Block Ecovas.

The return of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger gave Ecova a major setback, which is considered the most important regional group of Africa at the age of 50.

The military leaders of the Mali also abolished the relationship with former colonial power France, whose soldiers left the country in 2022 after a decade after a decade fighting the Islamist rebels.

The following year, all 12,000 United Nations peace soldiers left Mali on the instructions of Junta.

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