Lifegards were not found guilty on swimmer’s death

Lifegards were not found guilty on swimmer’s death

A jury has found three lifeguards, who are not guilty of taking “proper care for the health and safety of others” on the death of night’s armag swimmer Christopher Rogers.

20 -year -old Mr. Rogers died in April 2017 after black out during a swimming training session at Armagh’s Orchard Leiser Center.

During the session he was practicing the practice of swimming and breathing underwater.

He lay down in the lower part of the pool for more than five minutes before starting the rescue attempt.

He died that night later at the Craigwon Area Hospital.

On Tuesday, a jury of eight women and three men took less than two hours to find three defendants in the New Crown Court.

35 -year -old Dunmanoni Road in Dungannon, Lifeguards Kaithal Peter Forest McVig, 26 -year -old James Monaghan, Foli Lane in Armagh and William Holdon, 26 -year -old, 26 of Anasinagh Lane in Portdown, died at night.

He denied the same count of having employees, “they failed to take proper care for the health and safety of other individuals, which may be affected by work (their) acts or omissions”.

It was a defense case that Lifegards believed that Mr. Rogers was an experienced swimmer who was engaged in a training exercise; There was no policy in relation to how long a swimmer could live under water and there was no training about how to identify the type of seizure of Mr. Rogers.

The prosecution stated that, despite their training, men should have intervened based on a general knowledge approach and they had fulfilled a very long role during the rotation of poolside duties.

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