I know that I have made mistakes, say under-fire arcabishop

I know that I have made mistakes, say under-fire arcabishop

Archbishop of York Stephen Cotrail said that he had made mistakes and “the trust has been broken” as he opened a meeting of the Church of England’s governing body, General Sinod.

Mr. Kotral, who has stepped as the head of the church, was speaking after the bishop of Newcastle, Helen N-Hartley said he was a “wrong person” to bring very necessary improvements.

Bishop Hartley has called for the resignation of Mr. Cotrail after facing criticism to deal with the sexual abuse case last year.

The church is searching to replace the archbishop of Cancerbury Justin Welby, which stood in the midst of the operation of the operation of John Smith, the Vipul Bal derogatory John Smith of the Church and the church.

Mr. Kotrell caught fire after fire in December BBC investigation revealed He allowed a priest to stay in the post despite knowing that he was stopped from being alone with the children and compensated the victim.

In an initial address, Mr. Coptrell said that England’s church is facing “tough and challenging time” and acknowledged “suffering, anger, sadness and regret” that the victims and the survivors of abuse have recently protected. Feel about failures.

Before speaking, one vote that would have stopped Mr. Cotrail from giving the initial address in the Dharm Sabha.

The vote proposed by a late member of General Sinod argued that Mr. Cotrall’s position was “no longer tenable”.

Some 73 Dharmabha members voted in favor, stopped against 239 and 43, allowing the address to move forward.

“I know that there are mistakes and I know I have made mistakes,” he said.

He said that he all knows that we all need “what I can do”.

The Dharmasabha is expected to discuss significant discussions about security measures this week, after facing criticism to deal with child abuse spread by the church for decades Last year in a scary report,

The Bishop Hartley Smith was the first senior member of the priest who called for the resignation of Shri Velbi after the report was published in the case.

He said that he is now seen as a troubleshooter by some of his colleagues in the pastor, one branded him as a “bishop of negativity”.

“I think it’s really sad,” she said, saying that she believes that other people may involve her in speaking if “fear” did not stop them.

Also known as the Parliament of the Church, the General Dharm Sabha is found to argue three times a year and meet the measures to work for the church. It is composed of 478 members who are selected every five years.

The victims and the survivors of the misconduct have asked for improvement with several members of the pastor, and the subject is placed in this week’s Dharmasabha agenda.

Bishop Hartley said that Mr. Cotrail was not the right man to oversee the reform process.

“I don’t think it is appropriate to be in post for York’s archbishop, and of course the church is needed at this time,” he told the BBC Radio 4’s Today program.

Mr. Cotrail increased after criticism BBC revealed Last year, when he allowed priest David Tudor to stay in the post despite banning contact with children and the previous compensation was paid.

Bishop Hartley said, “To allow Tudor to stay in the post, I get hatred.”

He allegedly criticized Mr. Cotrail Praising Tudor as “Rolls Royce Priest” Despite knowing about settlement.

Since the BBC investigation was published for the first time, Mr. Cotrail has said that he could not be “deeply sorry” that action could not be taken before, but this was the situation that he inherited. Tuder was Last year banned from ministry,

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