I am not happy with Boeing, Trump has said on the Air Force one

US President Donald Trump has said that he is not happy with a contract to build two new air forces with Boeing that is following the schedule.
Speaking on the board on one of the currently 35 -year -old President aircraft, Trump also said that he is looking for options as Boeing is taking a long time to manufacture the aircraft.
The contract of two updated versions of the President’s aircraft based on modern Boeing 747-8 was interacted during the first term at Trump’s office.
Boeing did not immediately respond to BBC News’s remarks.
“No, I am not happy with Boeing. It takes them a long time to do so, you know, the Air Force one, we gave that contract long ago,” said Trump.
“We can buy an aircraft or get an aircraft, or something else.”
Asked if he would consider buying new aircraft from Boeing’s European rival, Airbus, Trump said, “No, I will not consider Boeing on Airbus, but I can buy a one that was used and It was changed. “
A few days after Trump’s 13-year-old Boeing 747-800, it was owned by the Katri royal family, while it was parked at Palm Beach International Airport.
The new aircraft from Boeing were set for delivery in 2024, but the aircraft manufacturer has pushed the delivery back to 2027 or 2028.
During his first term as President, Trump forced the aircraft maker to re -organize his contract, calling the initial deal very expensive.
The contract has already spent Boeing billions of dollars.
It is very expensive to exclude the aircraft for the use of the President. This requires installing high-square and complex communication, safety and access facilities.
Was terrible last year For Boeing. The aerospace giant lost $ 11.8BN (£ 9.4bn) throughout 2024, the worst result since 2020, when the aviation industry was grounded by Kovid epidemic.
In three months by the end of December, when The attacks were affecting the businessIt lost $ 3.8bn.
Along with suffering well-promoted problems in its commercial aircraft unit, Boeing also faced issues with the number of defense programs.