Human pop-up urinal death can never be explained, family fears

The family of a person who was killed in a terrible accident cannot be known what the cause of the pop-up urinal that he was working to fall suddenly.
On 27 January 2023, 60 -year -old maintenance engineer Kevin Holding was killed while working in Soho. His inquiry heard that it took two hours for the crane.
His daughter Carley, 37, said the lack of answers about how she was crushed was “disgusting” and “derogatory”. He told the BBC London: “The family is not just the same as a whole: we are a very broken family.”
The Met Police apologizes to the Holdings, Dean Pivis, who is still investigating the death.

He said: “We are sorry for the impact on everyone in the family of Mr. Holding.”
Pop-up laxity Was introduced in Central London in 2002 To discourage street urine. During the day, they are stored under the pavement and at night they arise hydraulically.
Carly of Sevenox at Kent said that both the parents of Shri Holding had, in the 80s, had “knocked for six”.
He said about his grandparents, who are both in their 80s: “Their biggest apprehension is that they will never find out before passing.
“We are not closed, we are not able to mourn properly, can close that chapter and live our life in memory of Dad and build our family.
“We are still in this gray field, where we do not know what happened, how he lost his life, so we can’t put it to rest.”
Sri Hold from Becanham in South-East London His inquiry was told,
It heard how emergency services reached Toilet MR Holding.
The work they were doing was being done by the Westminster City Council, which expressed its deep sympathy for Kevin Holding’s family and friends.

A health and security executive spokesperson said in a statement, “We are assisting the metropolitan police investigation in the incident.”
DET C is Ispect Purvis said: “This is a complex case and time has been taken from health and safety executive to receive an interim expert report.”
In response, Ms. Holding said: “I am not surprised that they are deer.
“Do your work. Remember that you are working with someone’s family. Give us the respect we deserve. We now want action.”

Ms. Holding said: “I really believe because he has passed away, he forgets my father’s case.
“It’s not that we are also getting a time limit – I think it’s disgusting.”
For the impact on the broad family, he said: “Our life is in hold – we have done nothing.
“We are just coast. It’s terrible.”

This time last year, the Met Police admitted that “during the last year they would not provide the family with the support they would expect”.
The family told BBC London that Mate had appointed a family contact officer.
DET Ce Issl Purvis said: “We have considered the content (HSE Report) carefully and are waiting for some final advice before deciding on the next stages.
“We admit that this investigation has been going on for a long time.”