How long can Centorini last last?

Georgia Nomico says, “We have put all our mattresses in the living room.”
The Sendorini resident is afraid of the effects of earthquakes going on on the Greek island, which is popular with tourists for their painting-postcard ideas.
But stupids have been disrupted by thousands of earthquakes last week.
Centurini, and other Greek islands in the region, are in the midst of a “unprecedented” seismic herd or crisis – name for sudden increase in earthquakes in a particular area.
About three-fourths of the island’s 15,000 population has been evacuated, while the authorities declared an emergency situation after the 5.2 magnitude earthquake, which is the largest yet, shakes the island on Wednesday.
In addition, although small quakes were re -felt on Thursday.
Quake’s “groups” have surprised scientists who say that such a pattern is unusual because they are not connected with a large shock. So what is going on?
What is happening in Centorini?
Experts agree that the island is experiencing that the Prime Minister of Greece has called a “extremely and complex geological event”.
The Research Director of the National Observatory of Athens, Dr. Athanasios songs say, “This is really unprecedented, we have never seen anything in Greece (modern time) before.”
The centralini is located on the helenic volcanic chap – a series of islands created by volcanoes.
But it has not seen a major explosion in recent times, not actually since the 1950s, so the cause of the current crisis is not clear.
Experts say that they are watching several earthquakes within a relatively small area, which does not fit the pattern of a manshock-offertorch sequence, Dr. Ganas says.
He said that it started in the last summer with the awakening of a volcano on Santorini. Then in January there was a “boom” of seismic activity with small earthquakes.
This activity has increased in the last week.
Thousands of earthquakes have been recorded since Sunday, with the most important of Wednesday.
,We are in the midst of a seismic crisis, “Dr. Gasna said.
Dr. of the British Geological Survey. Margita Segau described Quake as “everyday in pulses”.
She says that this “flock -like behavior” means when a more important earthquake attacks, for example a magnitude four, “earthquake increases for one to two hours, and then the system rests again “.

How long will it last?
In short, it is impossible to mention. There are expectations that Wednesday’s earthquake, which hit at night, will be the largest to hit the island.
But the semologist has told the BBC that it is difficult to ensure. Officials have warned that the activity may last for weeks.
Experts also do not know whether this series of earthquakes leads to a large earthquake or their own event.
An earthquake geology specialist, Professor Joan Fore Walker said that some big earthquakes experienced advanced levels of small moderate seismic events before the main shock.
But whatever is happening is not a volcanic earthquake, Dr. Ganas says. Volcanic earthquakes have a specific signature of low frequency wave forms and are not displayed here.

Dr. Segau told the BBC that he and colleagues had analyzed the previous earthquakes in the field with machine learning – a data analysis method is able to make predictions – to find out how the earthquake in this area in 2002 and 2004 Went.
The horrors of those earthquakes were not as intense as they now felt. But how they start and end, it can help make a picture to see which pattern to look out to see.
Meanwhile, additional police units and military forces have been deployed on the island to help deal with any major earthquake.
Ms. Nomikou, who is the chairman of the Centrini Town Council, said her family was putting, but each packed a small bag, “is ready to go when anything happens”.
But some islands say they are not phased with shock.
“I am not afraid at all,” says a Santorini resident, who decided to stay on the volcanic island despite thousands of neighbors who escaped from thousands of neighbors among the ongoing earthquakes.
Chantal Matcides insisted that she would not join her compatriot. “For 500 years, this house lives through earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and it still stands,” he told the AFP news agency, “There is no reason that it should change”.