Groundhog Phil ‘makes six more weeks of winter

Groundhog Phil ‘makes six more weeks of winter

Punxsutawney Phil – a “weather prediction” groundhog – has estimated six more weeks of winter in the US, which disappoints the crowd of people gathered in the city of Pennsylvania for the annual Groundhog Day celebrations.

The mantras of “Phil” were brought out of a tree stump on Sunday morning, which was to “give” its annual forecast.

According to folklore, if Phil sees its shadow, there will be another six weeks of the North American winter, and if not, a initial spring is on the horizon

Tom Dankel, president of Punksutwani Groundhog Club, said, “Get ready for six more winter this year.”

Spotlight is on Phil on Groundhog Day every year – a tradition celebrated in the US and Canada that attracts thousands of people.

It is believed to have evolved from the German celebrations of Candelamas on 2 February. Known as Dachstag, or Badger Day, it was believed that if a Bejar refused to emerge from his house, the locals were for four and weeks of snow.

As the German-speaking Pennsylvania Dutch settled in the US, the tradition shifted states with a groundhouse instead of Bejar.

The first official Groundhog Day was held in 1887 at Punksutavani.

The Punxutavani Groundhog Club of the back of the event has a “internal circle” of 15 people in the top hat and bout, who is wearing a top hat and bout Are.

They claim – in a light way – that the same groundhoch has been predicting the weather in Gobar’s knob for over 100 years.

A “nectar” made from a “secret recipe” is given to the groundhog every summer, which gives Phil “longevity and young good look”, it says on the club’s website.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission says that the potential lifetime of a groundhoge is estimated at eight or nine years.

Last year, Phil predicted an early spring after waking up to see his shadow on Groundhoge Day.

The event was made more popular by the 1993 film Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray and Andy McDowell.

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