Grenade attack 12 injured in French bar

Local officials have said that twelve people have been injured after throwing it into a busy bar in French city Grenobal.
The incident occurred on Wednesday evening at Akihir Bar immediately after 20:00 local time (19:00 GMT), leaving two people in critical condition.
The purpose of the attack is not clear, but investigators say it may “be associated with the disposal of the score”.
Prosecutor Francois Torret-D-Corsse stated that eyewitness accounts suggest that the suspect, who is still unknown, is probably carrying an Kalashnikov Assault Rifle.
Talking to reporters at the scene, he said: “We have nothing to think that it is associated with terrorism,” describing the incident as a “work of extreme violence”.
He said that investigators were looking for a possible connection for drug trafficking.
Officials said many people were located in the neighborhood of the city’s Olympic village, when the suspect entered the suspect.
According to the report of French paper Le Figaro, some 80 firefighters and police officers were deployed in the area on Thursday morning along with the remaining area.
Deputy Mayor Cloo Pantail told the AFP news agency that the site was “a place where the locals and the people outside the neighborhood gather, especially to watch football matches”.
He said that the presence of police in the area will remain for a while.
Posting on the X, Mayor Eric Piol condemned, which he described as a “criminal act of exceptional violence”, “before thanking the rescue and security forces” for their rapid intervention “.