Grandma Pants and Status: Lesson Bridget Jones taught me in its 20s

Grandma Pants and Status: Lesson Bridget Jones taught me in its 20s

Yasmin Roofo and Noor Nanji

BBC News

Renny Zellweger still lying in bed, writing her diary as alamy bridget jonesAlmi

Your 20s are a tornado of bad dates, career crises, and wondering if you will ever be In fact Get your life together.

Enter the queen of chaotic attraction, Brijet Jones, who are stumbling through life lessons, because many of us can remember in advance.

Despite the original Bridget Jones’ Diary Book and 2001, released in 1996, it seems that the Floundering and Flaved heroine has captured General Z’s hearts, which was not born when the first novel of Helen Fielding was first The bar was published.

Fielding says that she finds it “comfort” that women have real interest in bridges tests and tribulations in the 20s. In her book signing, she says “Half audience is General Z”.

From navigating an embarrassing work accident to that self -love (and perhaps an additional glass of Shardonay) is the key to happiness, the bridge has been there, it has been done, and is alive to tell the story.

New film Brijet Jones: Before releasing about the boy next week about Mad, we are talking to three women in the 20s, who were taught them about the lesson of life: Sophie to Sophie Guilim from Cardiff .

And then there is – Yasmin and Noor – both fans of the franchise are those who are Very To say about it.

When did you discover the Bridge Jones?

Yasmin: In the summer before high school, I stole a diary of Brijet Jones’ diary from my parents’s bookshell and all of this hid under my dawat in one night. For me, it was a Bible for adult life, which felt like a total reading on the edge of puberty and in the year seven. Almost all of that age went on my head, but one thing got stuck with me: Bridget Jones felt like a real woman, unlike other ideal heroines, which were painted in many stories, which were really children really children Was for the purpose of, was defective and fine.

Noor: I was in school and I remember that my English teacher talked about one of the films. She was refusing to see it, as she felt that the whole base was completely unreal (“as if it would be struggling to find such a beautiful, competent woman love”). But my elder sister was leaving, so I tagged together and it was love at first sight and at the same time I believe that I saw Hug Grant a little bit.

Sophie t: My best friend and I watched the first film in a sleepover when we were about 14. I think, on the reflection, the scene where the character of the Bridge Hug Grant sleeps with Daniel Clever, the first time was not suitable for us. Why), And we all beg through adult bits.

Yasmin Roofo and Noor Nanji caught a copy of the book of Bridget Jones Diary, with the BBC logo on a wall behind them

BBC News Yasmin Roofo and Noor Nanaji, both lifelong fans of Bridget Jones

What can the icon of the 1990s teach someone about love in its 20s today?

Noor: Bridget Jones’ passion with Daniel Clever was my life in my 20s. I was chasing bad boys and accustomed to the play, so it was completely reliable. My friends and I was in endless accidental relationships – and it is also very bridge. His dating was a definition of life status, before that too was one thing. But what I really like is that he (eventually) knows that he is better entitled. She teaches us that you can find a Mr. Darcy that you love “as you are” – even if he wears reindeer jumpers and twists his pants before bed.

Yasmin: Bridget has given us the last guide to break the heart: wearing an old pajamas on the couch and eating ice cream out of the tub when you sleep by yourself. Unlike the bridges of early films, today’s 20-Somethings are not checking for continuous answers messages but we Are Covered with a bit of post-breakup stacking. Even if the technology is not the same, the bridge’s neurotic tendency can still teach us that it is rarely worth paying attention to anyone.

Sophie ji: Bridget is not an ideal character, and it is fine. You should be loved who you are and do not try to change yourself what society thinks you should have – but learning to accept it is a difficult task.

Hannah: First, the Bridget is the symbol of a woman who thinks that she needs a man to survive, but by the end of the first film, she teaches us to give importance to good, respectable people and does not tolerate those people. Those who cheat (however, I need, they should do ‘T has made Daniel Clever so hot!).

She also teaches us how to work in a relationship, this love is a feeling with an option, and how to be weak and there are limitations at the same time.

What does the character of Bridget mean to you?

Sophie t: It does not need to change ourselves in a society that pressures us to constantly, long, to read more books and be the best in hobbies. It is very important to have a character with self-acceptance when we are constantly pressurizing to change ourselves.

Yasmin: I think Bridget embraces its chaotic energy and actually appeals to General Z. If she was now a woman in the 20s, put 365 of Charlie XCX through her headphone through her headphones and smell on your morning movement.

Noor: Wear big knees. Eating the entire content of your fridge is sometimes cured. And don’t be defeated by a bad hair day!

Renny Zelwear still wearing a pink jumper and a pink jumper as alamy bridget jonesAlmi

However, isn’t the series a little problematic for the series 2025?

Yasmin: The bridge is not correct in any way – the passion of his calorie count feels dated and the other characters weigh 60 kg of fat while branding a woman. The positivity of the body can now be celebrated more – in fact, some women will like “two bowling balls size” – but being self -conscious about your appearance is a universal feeling that transfers decades.

One thing i would say is difficult to feel Very Sorry for the bridge when he owns his own flat in Central London, is a successful publication and journalism career and doesn’t worry about the price of a round of drinks in the pub – it all seems a little less realistic anymore now .

Noor: You can definitely argue the earlier books and films that are not well old. First, there is a noticeable lack of variety, and there are many sexist jokes. Then you are shocked in all those who are obsessed when they are single, and fret over the calorie intake of the bridges.

Now we have felt a lot in the context of the progress we have made, but it is no longer to say that it is no longer relevance: a friend of mine is considering ozmpic and others still worry about that they Why have they not fulfilled the dream as partners as they swipe through tinder and bumbled.

Sophie ji: I think if the bridge was now built, some of his character and some of the “problematic” elements can be replaced, but it would be shame, because it is part of his attraction.

We all say and do things that we later kick ourselves. And most of the more problematic moments of the bridge are the result of pressure in our society to be subject to women. The way the bridge works works more realistic than some characters who are right feminists who deal with everything in the best way.

Getty Colin Forth, Renny Zelweger and Hug Grant ahead of a bridulent film Premier on a red carpet Getty

What have you learned about the importance of friendship through the bridge?

NoorNowadays, after work, there are probably less Friday pub trips, and hold more meetings for yoga and spin, but the overall message is the same: choose your friends wisely because they are the same when everything else goes wrong. Is.

Sophie t: This friendship will always be through the ups and downs of romantic life: stay there to laugh at failures and to relax you when needed. Bridget conversations with his friends are like me. We are always catching on a meal and drinking to mourn about life – although these days there is a little less smoking.

Yasmin: Find yourself that will eat your blue celery soup! Instead of going for a fancy London bar and getting a black cab house, we often divide a bottle of cheap Tesco wine into one of our one of our crammed and crumble flats. But in fact, no matter what you are doing, it’s just about being a supporting group of friends who can tell you that it is time to dig the toxic Daniel Clever-Sask Status.

What did Bridget teach you about your career?

Sophie t: Whenever I am in a work situation, where I am meeting new people, I really always take a picture of the film scene, where the Bridget made people with one other person with a fact about another person. Tried to introduce it and messed up it.

The iconic scene when she tells her boss Daniel that she is leaving, she also always stays with me. At a time when I had to deal with sexism in my career and had to face head on it, I want to imagine that the honor was playing in the background.

Noor: Do not send emails before pre -reading, do not try and use language that you do not understand. Oh, and don’t sleep with your boss.

Sophie ji: Trying to do something new is okay and regardless of your age or where you feel that you should be in your career at a certain point. The fear of public speaking bridges has certainly resonated with me in the past, but knowing that I will never have to present in front of Hug Grant, Colin Forth and Salman Rushdie.

Hannah: To be ambitious and aspiring. A successful career is important for a sense of purpose. You can make mistakes and work through them and you can take adventure and take risks.

Answer are edited for length and clarity

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