Ecuador choice ends in a ‘tie’

South America correspondent

Ecuador’s presidential election will run in a second round, when the result of the first round of the first round failed to produce a lump sum winner.
Electoral officials called it a “technical tie”, as Daniel Noboa and his chief leftist challenger Luisa Gonzalez received almost the same percentage of the vote.
The pair will now face a run-off in April.
The result is much more narrow than the prediction of the result, indicating that the second round can be difficult to call.
The narrow result also collapsed the hopes of the supporters of Noboa, which was provoked by an early exit pole, suggesting that he could win a lump sum.
The President’s supporters gathered in Quito, waving flags, donating T-shirts with their image and holding the life-shaped cardboard holding the cut-out of the Congress.
These cut-outs portray Noboa in various outfits-from suit to tank top and sunglasses-the front doors, apartment windows and even car roofs have become omnipresent symbols across the country. .

Noboa’s presidential post is defined carefully to deal with serious gang violence.
He implemented emergency measures to deploy the army in roads and jails to curb the increasing crime.
Many of his supporters hope that he will secure a mandate in the run-off to continue his security policies.
Fernanda Ija said, “He has helped us a lot, since the gang’s violence was so bad that we could not go out.”
The 45-year-old said: “The army’s support he has introduced-his appearance is already helping.
“He has brought us a certain stability. Many problems are still pending, but I hope he will continue with his plan.”

16 -year -old Juan Diego Escobar expressed optimism about Noboa opportunities.
“I think most of the people voting for other candidates would like to vote for Daniel Noboa in the second round,” he said.
“Noboa handles insecurity well. The crime is quite well controlled. I think it will improve the economy as well.”
Miriam Narnanjo said that despite being uplable, Noboa represented “Parivartan”.
He said: “We need the work that he is still doing to continue. It has been a short time only. We were expecting a big difference, so we were expecting that support for our candidate to keep that support for our candidate Will have to work for. “
Despite some successes, such as some major gang leaders occupied and a slight decrease in gel violence, violent crime remains a major issue.
Violent deaths occurred in 2024 but remained at the record level. In January 2025, 750 housewives alone were reported.
Gonzalez – A protag – a protag – has criticized Noboa, such as failing to fulfill major promises, such as promoting the economy, cutting fuel prices and addressing violent crime.
While it has proposed equal military and police operations to counter crime, its campaign has emphasized an increase in social expenditure in the most violent areas of Ecuador.
His critics also accused him of a slow response to a serious drought, which led to a long power cut last year.
Noboa also created a controversy during the campaign, refusing to hand over Vice President Veronika Abad to her President’s Duties, citing the flaws of an election law even during the campaign.
This decision became part of a public place between the two.

Luisa Gonzalez supporters saw him as a chance to change.
The 46 -year -old Gonzalo Kajas said: “Why is there a crime? There is poverty. Hungry. So there should be someone who is actually aware of the workers of Ecuador so that the country moves forward.”
42 -year -old Alejandra Tufino said: “The security of the country is in pieces. I want change. I am not saying that she is going to solve it – but let’s see what happens if we give her a chance . “
Some voters disillusioned with both the candidates.
39 -year -old Gabrila Kajo, who supported a candidate for the presidency of 2023, expressed disappointment with a lack of progress on crime.
“Daniel Noboa represents fear, and we represent hope, change. We do not want the situation of war, we want peace,” he said.
“I think we are all angry with the electoral processes in the country, and the last thing we want is more than the second round and resources.
“There will be tremendous polarization. Whoever wins will be very opposed. Once again, we have to choose who is the lowest.”

Anyone who is victorious in April will have to face important challenges.
The ecuador continues to bathe with large -scale crime as a drug cartel battle for control of attractive smuggling routes through its ports. Kidnapping and murders remain daily incidents.
The country is also struggling with high unemployment, a weak economy and an energy crisis, which caused a blackout of up to 14 hours last year.
Noboa has promised to address these issues by creating jobs, attracting investment and increasing renewable energy.
Meanwhile, Gonzalaz has emphasized the need to focus a strong focus on economic reforms, social investment and poverty.