Dr. What is the fight in the Congo?

Dr. What is the fight in the Congo?

AFP closed a pair of hands holding five bullets.AFP

The Democratic Republic of Congo’s mineral-rich east has been dog by struggle for more than 30 years since the 1994 Rawandan massacre.

Many armed groups have competed with central authorities for the power and control of potential fate in this vast nation.

Instability has sucked the devastating impact in neighboring countries – infamous in the 1990s when two huge conflicts, Africa’s world warfare, resulted in millions of people died.

What is happening at the moment?

After rapid advances in the east, fighters of the M23 rebel group have captured several major cities and towns.

His first major coup was with Goma taking Goma in late January – a city in North Kivu province which is home to more than a million people.

Sitting on the border of the shore of Rwanda and Kivu Lake, Goma is an important trade and transport center that is within the reach of mining cities supplying metals and minerals in high demand.

When the rebels captured Goma, the United Nations aid agencies warned of a major humanitarian crisis with food and lack of water, the hospitals were overwhelmed by the number of casualties and the bodies lying on the roads.

M23 has also seized another major city, South Kivu Provincial Capital Bukavu in the region.

Under the M23 control, now other places include Masisi, Rutshuru and Katale.

The rebels had earlier threatened to continue their aggressive for the capital Kinshhasa, although analysts say this could not be possible, as the city is 2,600 km (1,600 miles) away on the other side of this huge country.

Who are M23?

The M23 is led under the leadership of ethnic tutssis, which say they need to take up arms to protect the rights of a minority group.

They say that many previous deals have not been respected to end the fight – they take their names from a peace agreement signed on 23 March 2009.

Shortly after its construction in 2012, the M23 gained rapidly the region and seized Goma – the tasks that were found with allegations of international opprobrium and war crimes and human rights violations.

It was forced to withdraw from Goma, and then faced a series of heavy defeat with the force of a United Nations at the hands of the Kangoli army, which expelled it from the country.

The M23 fighters then agreed to integrate in the army in exchange for those promises that Tutsi would be preserved.

However, in 2021, the group again took up arms and said the promises were broken.

Is Rwanda involved in the fight?

The M23 leader Sultani Makengga is a congress Tutsi who was earlier fought in the Rwanda Army.

Rwanda has continuously denied the past that it has supported M23, but since 2012, United Nations experts have given it weapons, logical support and even accused of commanding the rebels. have put.

Dr. The Congo government, as well as the US and France, have also identified Rwanda as a group. Last year, a report by the United Nations experts stated that 4,000 Rawandan soldiers were fighting with M33.

On Friday, Yolande Makolo, spokesman of the Rawandan government, told the BBC that the soldiers of the country were deployed along their border to prevent the conflict from spreading it into its territory.

Rwanda had earlier said that it was being bullied and recently convicted the fight on the officials of the Congole, saying he had refused to enter a dialogue with M33.

A peace process, arbitration by Angola and Rwanda and Dr. The Congo incorporates a ceasefire deal last year, although it soon separated and resumed.

What is the relationship with Rwanda?

The origin of the current battle can be partially discovered back into the massacre in Rwanda in 1994.

Around 800,000 people – Vast majority from the Tutsi community – were slaughtered by ethnic Hutu extremists.

The genocide ended with an advance of a force of rebels, which is a force commanded by Paul Kagame, who is now President.

Due to fear of repuls, an estimated one million Hutas then ran beyond the border, now Dr. Is Congo. It prevented ethnic stress in the form of a marginalized tutasi group in the past – Banmulege – felt rapidly in danger.

Rwanda’s army twice Dr. Attacking the Congo, stating that it was going after some people responsible for the massacre, and worked with members of Bayamulinagen and other armed groups.

After the 30 -year struggle, one of the Hutu groups, The Democratic Forces for the Liberation of the Rwanda (FDLR), which includes something responsible for the romantic massacre, is still Eastern Dr.. Are active in the Congo.

Rwanda describes FDLR as “massacre militia” and says that Dr. Its continuous existence in the east of the Congo is threatened by its own territory. Rwanda spokesperson said that he wanted to return to Rwanda to “finish the job”.

This accuses the congregations of working with FDLR – the charge which Dr. Congo refuses.

Rwanda to Dr. It is unlikely to stay out of Congo until it is satisfied that FDLR is no longer a threat to itself, or Eastern Dr. For Tutsi communities in Congo.

What about the mineral money of Congo?

Dr. Reports from Congo and many United Nations have accused Rwanda of using conflicts, such as a way of looting congregation minerals such as Gold and Colon, which used mobile phones and other electronic items such as cameras and inner cars. Is done to make.

In recent years, M23 has seized several attractive mining areas and a report by UN experts last December said that about 120 tonnes of colon was being sent to Rwanda every four weeks by M23.

He mentioned a huge increase in Rwanda’s mineral exports in recent years, most of which Dr. Come from Congo.

Rwanda continued to Dr. The Congo has denied allegations of exploiting minerals.

What are United Nations peace soldiers doing?

A United Nations Peace Mission is from 1999. Current force – known as Monusco – is made up of more than 10,000 soldiers.

However, of these, only force intervention brigade is allowed to conduct aggressive operations against armed groups. This was the force that helped defeat M23 in 2013.

Monusco has been aiming for anger from ordinary congregations who see it as a failure to do their work. President Felix Tskedi had asked the mission to leave it by the end of last year, failing.

But the departure was delayed and the mission was extended for another year in December.

A regional grouping of 16 countries, Southern African Development Community (SADC) also Dr. Eastern Dr. A military force is deployed to the Congo, but it has been unable to stop the rebels.

South Africa has said that 14 of its soldiers have died of M23. Soldiers of Malawi and Tanzania’s choice have also been killed.

Cyril Ramfosa, President of South Africa, Rwanda warned that further attacks on its soldiers would be considered as “declaration of war”,

Rwanda President Paul Kagame accused South Africa of being a part of “combative fighter operations”.

The United Nations said that Uruguay had lost one of its soldiers which was part of the Monusco force.

Dr. Map of Central Africa showing Congo, Uganda and Rwanda.

Dr. More about conflict in Congo:

Getty Images/BBC A woman sees her mobile phone and graphic BBC News AfricaGetty Image/BBC

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