Doctors did not warns women of ‘risky sex’ drug urge

BBC news investigation correspondent
BBC South Investigation

Patients prescribed drugs for movement disorders – including restless leg syndrome (RLS) – says doctors did not warn them about serious side effects, which led them to risky sexual behavior.
Twenty women have told the BBC that drugs – they have been given to RLS, who makes a unique urge to ruin his life.
A report by drug firm GSK – seen by BBC – it was learned a link between drugs in 2003, known as dopamine agonist drugs, and was described as a “distracted” sexual behavior, including sexual harassment on a child.
While there is no clear reference to this side effect in the patient’s sheet, the UK Medicine regulator told us that there was one there General warning About increased libido and harmful behavior. GSK says that the risk of “converted” sexual interest is also referred to in Liflets.
Some women who are ready for risky sexual behavior told us that they have no idea what is the reason for this. Others said that they feel forced to gambling or shop with the history of such activities. A accumulated loan of over £ 150,000.
Like many women, Claire first developed RLS during his conception. The tireless need to move was often with sleep and creeping sensation under his skin.
After giving birth, this situation remained and it was prescribed dopamine agonist drug ropinirol. She says that she was not warned by doctors of any side effects. She initially used to do amazing work for her RLS, she says, but after a year she started feeling unprecedented sexual urge.
“The only way I could describe it, it was just frightening,” she tells us – using the word without any knowledge of GSK research that installed a link with such behavior.

Claire says that he started leaving his house for cruise for sex in the early hours of the morning. Look through the top and jacket, she will flash her chest on any man that she could find. She used to do this regularly, she says, and despite being a partner, rapidly in dangerous places.
“Your head has an element that knows that what you are doing is wrong, but it affects you at the point you don’t know that you are doing it.”
Clair says it took years to connect these requests with their medicine – and when he stopped taking it, they disappeared almost immediately. She feels completely “ashamed” and is the “fall” in the danger she kept herself.
Defeatable behavior, including gambling and increased sex drives, has long been listed as side effects in medical letters for dopamine agonist drugs – and they have been considered to affect 6% to 17% of RLS patients, to carry them, to carry them, Health guidance good according to the bodyAccording to NHS, a “normal” side effect of any drug affects only 1% of people who take it.
Drugs – which is also used to treat schizophrenia – work by mimicking dopamine behavior, a natural chemical in our brain that helps to regulate movement. It is known as “Happy Hormone” because it is active when something is enjoyable or we feel rewarded.
But agonists drugs can stimulate these emotions and reduce the appreciation of the results-according to the teachers, leading to the impulsive behavior.

Since 2003, cases of GSK reports included two people described as “distracted behavior”, which were prescribed Ropinirol for Parkinson’s disease. In one, a 63 -year -old man sexually assaulted a seven -year -old girl, causing Custodial to be punished.
The documents stated that the criminal’s libido with Ropinirol had increased considerably from the onset of his treatment and after his dose was reduced, his libido problem was solved later “.
In the second case, a 45 -year -old man carried out “uncontrolled acts of exhibitionism and indecent behavior”. Their sex drive was reported to be growing before ropinirol was determined, but after treatment his request was “acute”.
The prevalence of what the GSK is caused by drugs calls “deviations”, its prevalence is unknown and according to Valerie Woon, a professor at the University of Cambridge, is reported by those who experience them.
She says, “There is a lot of stigma and shame in it, and people do not realize that it is associated with a medicine.”
Prof. Woon believes that risky sexual behavior – beyond purely increased libido – should be specially warned and investigated by NHS, as their effect may be “destructive”.
It is believed that RLS affects One of about 20 adults – and women are almost double the possibility of suffering as men.
The 20 victims who said that we not only failed to tell them about the potentially serious side effects of medicines, but also failed to review the effect of the drug on their body.
Sara was in her 50s when she was given another dopamine agonist drug made by a separate manufacturer.
“At first I was not interested if Brad Pitt became naked in the room,” she says. “But it turned me into this fierce woman, who continued to take sexual addiction.”
Sara began selling underwear and videos of online sex acts – and organized telephone sex with strangers. He also essentially began purchasing – ending with a loan of £ 30,000.
To compete with the effects of dopamine agonist, he started self-healing with pain relief and sleeping pills. She was getting admitted for rehabilitation – but this means that her driving license was taken and she lost her job.
“I turned to things that were not healthy – I knew that I did not have the behavior, but I could not control it,” she tells the BBC.
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A third woman, Suu, says that she was determined by two separate dopamine agonists drugs, without warning of binding behavior side effects on any occasion. She even mentioned recent gambling behavior when the second drug was prescribed, she says. She left for a loan of £ 80,000.
“The influence on my family was terrible – it was a life -changing money,” she says. “But at that time I did not know that it was not my own mistake.”
A class action was taken against GSK in 2011 by four victims of Parkinson’s disease – the BBC has learned. He said Ropinirol gave rise to gambling debt and broken relationships.
He also complained that despite a link between such behavior and medicine, medical studies were established in early 2000, GSK failed to include any warning in its product literature by March 2007. Class action was settled but GSK refused liability.
Cases of serious side effects in other countries are also reported, especially in relation to the use of drugs for Parkinson’s disease.
In France, a court damaged a father of two, who complained that Ropinirol had given him a compulsory homosexual urge, while another person started torturing cats without a criminal record.
In the US, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine advises that drugs should only be used for short -term treatment, such as life care.

The BBC spoke to several women, also complained that prolonged use of drugs also spoiled their underlying RLS. This meant that their dosage had increased, which, in turn, increased their binding behavior – a process known as an increase.
A advisory neurologist Dr. Gai Leschiner says that drugs still play an important role, but they believe that pharmaceutical companies, health authorities and doctors need to give better warnings to patients with these side effects.
“Not everyone knows that there can be really quite dramatic changes,” they say.
In a statement, GSK reported that BBC Ropinirol was prescribed for more than 17 million treatments and underwent under “comprehensive clinical trials”. It said that the drug proved effective and was a “well -characterized security profile”.
“With all the drugs, (IT) have possible side effects and are clearly stated in the prescribed information,” it said.
In response to its 2003 research, in which a link was found with “distracted” sexual behavior, GSK told us that it was shared with health officials and reported updates in determining the information – which now lies as “changed or increase sexual interest” and “significant anxiety behavior” as side effects.
the current Patient notice sheet for ropinirol Creates specific references for changes in sexual interest on five occasions – almost especially warnings about the frequency or strength of emotions like “unusually high”, “excessive” or “growth (D)”.
The UK’s Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) said that while “Divint” is not included in a specific reference warning of sexual behavior, such impulses are different and a general warning about activities that can be harmful.
It is also said that it is important for health professionals to explain the potential risk of patients and not all experience these types of side effects.
The Department of Health and Social Care refused to comment.
Some names have been changed in this article to protect people’s identity.