Decoding new official images of Melania Trump

A new official portrait of US First Lady Melania Trump has been released.
A day after her husband was sworn in as President, Black and White Photo showed her wearing a dark business suit and white shirt because she showed her hands on a reflective table in the yellow oval room Was restrained.
The Washington monument, which performs towers in the country’s capital, is seen in the background.
Mrs. Trump – A former fashion model herself – familiar with the choice of her clothes and dissected by critics.
This picture was shot by a Belgian photographer Regin Mahap, taking pictures of the Trump family for more than 20 years.
She also took photographs of Mrs. Trump’s official portrait in 2017, for the first term in Trump’s office. “I was really chosen to shoot this official picture for the second time,” Ms. Mahapax told the BBC on Monday.
“There is a great privilege as an artist to work with such an inspirational woman. She is a perfectist and is actually involved in the creative process.”
What experts said here about the image.
‘This photographer is a person he trusts’
GWendolyn Dubois Shaw is the faculty director of the Department of History of Arts at the University of Pennsylvania. She cured the exhibition on every eye: the first women of the United States at the National Portrait Gallery at Washington DC.
Like the official portrait of her husband’s first administration, by Trump’s favorite photographer Regin Mahap, this picture of Melania Trump presents her wearing a business dress and offering in front of a window.
While in the first picture the window was recognizable for the White House Aficionados, as it was located in the family quarters of the executive mansion, it was sitting in a yellow oval room, which was kept away from the left side for the first time in front of the ellipse. Was. Woman.
The rhyme of his body with this famous Obilisk is a symbol of the power invested in the first presidential post, striking.
Her posture, with fingers, was firmly placed on a remarkable contemplative table, seems to transmit a readiness to “get down to business” and serve on stage that borres for the unique role of the hostess And advocates that Americans have historically expected the first women. Residence.
Mrs. Trump is exceptionally comfortable in front of the camera, and it is probably a lot with her past as a model. But I think the relationship that has developed with Ms. Mahap in the last two decades is easily the most.
This photographer is a person she believes to prepare her to look confident, composition and best.
To be good in your jobs, the model must put itself in the hands of the photographer who is directing shooting and assuring that the resulting pictures will fulfill their purpose, it is important for the equation.
Mrs. Trump trusted Ms. Mahap to communicate her message correctly, whatever it was. The message of this picture is that the first female family has gone to the room just above the oval office from the frontiest place of the quarter of the family.
She appears ready to increase the power that she looked reluctant to hug her first stay in the White House. And yet, he has strongly deployed himself behind the ultra shiny table, keeping in mind a border between himself and the viewer.
Stay slightly mysterious, slightly esoteric, and slightly unfit.

‘On obstacles with the traditional role of the first woman’
Ellie Violet Bramley is a fashion writer who says the picture bears a heaviness that appears on obstacles with the traditional role of a first woman.
From suits to stance, the new picture feels carefully orchestrated to exclude a kind of power that feels on obstacles with the traditional role of the first woman to soften a presidential post in the public’s eyes – and it is more Makes you feel human.
Unlike Inaugurated by the first woman on the inauguration dayThis is a form that feels more aligned with corporate power. Ditto the Stone: The position of hands on the table is aimed at reducing a kind of business-like intentions-finally, it is said that the first woman is “preparation” for the White House this time.
A lot of details can be read.
His shirt may be undone, unlike the severe, button-up sewing of the previous week, but his shoulders are sharp and accent. Her broad lapels can be reminiscent of the 1980s New York suit, a time and place when Melania’s husband cut her teeth, but the silhouette is more sculpture and modern.
During Trump’s first chairmanship, Mrs. Trump was largely calm, beyond a slogan jacket, “I don’t really care, do you?” A migrant child is worn for the prevention center, and is the best platform that had some vague purpose such as promoting healthy life.
This time, his appearance has deliberately indicated in the second run. The Washington monument stands in the background, finding it very strongly in DC and not in New York or Mar-e-Lago.
And went away, soft focus, half-smile and bidai lips were in the White House last time from his official portrait. Gone is also the color: This time there is black and white around the picture.
A lot can be read in his eyes. The mere fact is that they are looking at the camera directly – and in turn – in contrast to the opening day when he opted for a boator cap, which shook his eyes, it seems remarkable.
But when the eye contact can be about the approach, it does not read that way here. If the previous First Ladies such as Mitchell Obama and Jill Biden made their brand access to their official portrait, Melania remains esoteric.