Cloud over nuclear plant ‘no cause for concern’

Cloud over nuclear plant ‘no cause for concern’

The site operator said a large cloud of steam and a loud bang at the nuclear power station were “no cause for concern”.

People in Heysham, near Morecambe, became concerned and called Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service to report a sudden noise at the EDF-run power plant at around 17:00 GMT.

Pictures shared with the BBC show a white cloud in the shape of a mushroom hanging above the second of two plants in the area, known as Heysham 2.

EDF said the cloud was made up of “clean steam” and was caused by a reactor unit unexpectedly “going offline”.

The fire service confirmed it had been called to the site by residents, but a spokesperson said its services were not required.

An EDF spokesperson said: “This release of steam when a reactor goes offline is normal and no cause for concern.

“Work is underway to establish the cause of the trip and bring the unit back online.”

hesham 2 went offline on xmas Due to a problem in the high voltage transmission system operated by National Grid.

The Lancashire site is the only site in the UK with two operating nuclear power stations.

Heysham 1 began operation in 1983 and consists of two advanced gas cooled reactors, which are scheduled to shut down in 2027.

The second plant began production in 1988 and its two gas-cooled reactors are scheduled to shut down in 2030.

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