Can musk may be damaged, even if his dialect has failed?

The board of directors of Openai has officially rejected Alone Musk’s proposal for approximately $ 100BN, which is for the manufacturer of the world’s most famous artificial intelligence (AI) tool, Chatgpt.
Experts say unwanted bid failure may not occur – at least as far as musk is concerned, experts say.
This is because the proposal can still complicate the plan to replace OpenIA for a profitable company from a non-profit controlled unit of CEO Sam Altman.
Musk “originally trying to stimulate the development trajectory of the openi,” said Cambridge Associate Teaching Professor Johnny Penn. Interview With BBC.
Last week, a union of investors including Musk and Hollywood Supergent Eri Imanuel kept Offer $ 97.4BN (£ 78.4bn) for all assets of Openai.
It was a very large amount – but less than $ 157bn firm was valued in a funding round only four months ago, and much less than $ 300BN that some people think it is now worth it.
Complaint of all this is open Abnormal structure Which includes a partnership between non-profit and profit-profit weapons.
Mr. Altman is understood Want to change itSeparating it from your non-profit board.
It includes costs that are trying to influence Mr. Musk.
Dr. Penn said, “What Musk is trying to do here is increasing the alleged value of the non-profit hand of OpenaiI, so that OpenIA has to pay more to get out of its own non-profit obligations. “
The value of its non-profit assets is not clear. Along with his dialect, Musk was floating at a price, according to the senior lecturer Lutz Finger of Cornell University, who is also the founder and CEO of AI Startup R2Decide.
Mr. Finger told the BBC, “By putting a price tag on the non-profit part by Musk, he makes the route the divided route more expensive,” Mr. Finger told the BBC. “It is very simple.”
Mr. Musk justified his actions, saying that he wanted to return the openiAI – which he co -established – for its non -profit roots and the original mission of developing AI for the benefit of humanity.
Other, however, suggests that they have some less great objectives associated with their AI company XAI and Chatboat Groke, which have received a shortage response from the public.
“Musk has recalled the AI train, to some extent. He is behind, and he has made several attempts to catch,” said Mr. Finger.
Now, Mr. Finger says, Mr. Musk is trying to kneel his most combined contestant.
Last week, a stressful relationship already worsened, in which Mr. Altman taunted Mr. Musk’s offer on X, and Mr. Musk said his ontime partner as “Swander”.
Mr. Altman then hit back into an interview with Bloomberg, saying that Mr. Musk is not “a happy person” and he said that his decisions were made from “insecurity”.
Tight-for-Tut is also playing in court, where US District Judge Yavon Gonzalez Rogers is considering Mr. Musk’s request for a prohibition that will block Openai from his planned conversion.
He claims that he will harm irreplaceablely without his intervention.
Gonzalez Rogers said during a hearing, “It is commendable what Mr. Musk is saying is true. We will find out. He will sit at the stand.” Musk v Altman Earlier this month in Okland, California.
According to Openai’s lawyers, Mr. Musk’s recent dialect denies his earlier claims that Openai’s property cannot be transferred to “personal advantage”.
“(O) Court’s UT, those obstacles do not apply clearly, so until Kasturi and their associate buyers are,” their answers are brief State america,
Some observers say that his goal never appeared to be a deal.
“I think he is just trying to create noise and news and bottlenecks,” says Cambrian-AI founder and lead analyst Carl Friend says.
But in addition to problems for its old rival, this strategy can cause permanent damage to Mr. Musk’s reputation.
“He is fantastic. He makes incredible companies that are doing incredible things. But his personal agenda is motivating people to question their objectives,” said Mr. Fraree.