Brain surgery took my childhood memories – will the new OP forget me my fiance?

Brain surgery took my childhood memories – will the new OP forget me my fiance?

Debby jackson

BBC Scotland News

Veronica Somerville Veronica takes a selfie on a country lane, which has a path behind it and hedges on its right, a line of trees on its left side. It is a moist day and is wearing a black puffer jacket with a flass lining. He is also wearing stylish large-frame glasses, his light brown hair is pulled back into a pony tail.Veronica somarville

Veronica Somarville lost all her childhood memories after brain surgery, when she was 14 years old

When 14 -year -old Veronica Somarville woke up from brain surgery to remove a tumor, she did not recognize people in her hospital room.

He was his parents.

In the way of the post-up scan, a drug began talking to him.

He realized that he had no idea who he was – despite the fact that he was the surgeon who carried out his process.

Veronica suffered a rare complexity – unusual retrograde forgetting disease. She could not remember events or people from her previous life.

Her memories never returned.

Veronica told BBC Scotland News, “I only know what my parents have told me.”

“The doctors were checking if I knew him – I remember a lot of faces that I had not seen before.”

“It was doing this patriarching on the way to the house – it was scary to get in a car. I was just doing what I was asked to do.

“It felt like I was going home with strangers who said that they were my mother and father – my mother was showing me her room which she did for me after my surgery – but none of it feels that It was as if it was with me.

“I remember that I was watching my clothes and wondering who would wear it?”

Veronica said to Prestanapan near Edinburgh that she knew that it was okay to live there, but said that her entire personality, and her family relationships changed.

He said: “He never lost that relationship with me, but still, I don’t think my relationship is as close as they want – I am more isolated and I have been my own person since surgery.

“My parents kept showing me the photo album – and it really used to annoy me – they were talking and laughing about those things when I was younger, but no matter I focuses on it How much I tried to do, I did not get anything.

“I did not like to see photos with them because they have emotional attachment in these moments and not me.”

BBC/Dragonfly film and TV Production Surgeon Imran Liakat adopted a seriously standing form in the operating theater, wearing turquoise blue scams and theater cap, monitor in circular bright lights and backgroundsBBC/Dragonfly Film and TV Productions

Imran Liaquat, Advisory Neurosurgeon at NHS Lothian

Veronica had to learn everything again – starting with primary school mathematics and English.

He said that it took very little time to learn again after teaching the lesson, his memory was unlocked – he learned the table of his time after going twice.

Back to high school, she struggled. She did not recognize any of her friends, and, at the beginning, she gave gravity to different people.

After a decade of monitoring, Veronica’s tumor slowly started growing, and in March last year, the time for action came.

More brain surgery

Weronika – Now 25 and married – surgery is needed.

And one of the first thoughts was – would she lose her memory again?

“I was destroyed,” he said. “The surgeon said it was certainly possible that this could happen again. But this time the tumor was deep and I needed surgery to improve my life expectancy.”

The treatment of Weronika has been followed in the new series Surgeon: On the edge of life on BBC Two,

In the seventh series, which follows surgeons in NHS Lothians, advisory neurosurgeon Imran Liakat explains the threat to the complex process.

The tumor is in the right frontal lobe of the brain of Veronica – the area responsible for abstract thoughts, creativity and concentration.

He must identify what the tumor is and what is normal tissue, then around it without taking the tissue – or cut – which will affect the function of the brain.

BBC/Dragonfly Film and TV Productions Consultant Neurosurgeon Drahoslav Socol Operating Theater wearing leans on a surface, turquoza blue scum and a yellow blue theater cap, monitor in circular bright lights and backgroundsBBC/Dragonfly Film and TV Productions

Drahoslav Socol performed both Veronica’s brain surgery

Mr. Liaquat said: “It is very important to preserve cognitive work – it is the essence of who we are as a person and it can be interrupted by surgeons. We carry forward complications and push the obstacles of optimal affection Give and those who tolerate you. “

He said that it was mandatory to remove as much as possible.

“The evidence for tumors such as varonic is that we need to remove at least 80–90% tumor to add the benefits of survival.”

Helping in the operating theater is the person who performed Veronica’s original surgery when she was a teenager – advisory neurosurgeon Drahoslav Socol.

Mr. Socol said: “It is not easy to think about doing another surgery, especially in terms of his previous complexity, but we really need to remove his tumor to prevent further problems in the future.”

‘What if I don’t like her?’

There is a picture of a double page tapped on a black page in a page of BBC/Dragonfly film and TV Production Cameron's scrapbook. Both are small, with a black and orange jacket behind Veronica in a striped top with a camron and a fun filter that gives her big glasses and freckleBBC/Dragonfly Film and TV Productions

Fans Cameron made a scrap book of his relationship, if he did not remember anything

Veronica was nervous, she woke up and did not know who her fiance Cameron was.

“The fear was that last time it had changed – what would happen if I really didn’t like it?”

But Cameron took it in its strid, photographic memory books and their relationship scrapbook and her fiancée to write notes and letters.

He said: “He means everything for me – exactly everything. If he had to lose his memory, I just have to fall in love with me and take him from there.”

Practically, Veronica wrote all her banking details and passwords, held a will, and wrote a letter to her partner for the worst position.

In the round from his operation, the room stopped its breath.

Weronika Somerville pose couples on a ladder in the wedding site, which has wood-paneal walls and banists. Cameron stands behind her bride - she is wearing a kilt, jacket, burgundy tie and a flower in her buttonhole, while Veronica is in a lace gown and veil.Veronica somarville

After successful surgery, a very happy couple left the memory of Veronica in December in December.

Veronica said, “I woke up and everyone was there – this time I did not feel that I had a surgery, I felt as if I had a nap.”

“My family was in pieces throughout the time.

“But I was fully aware and I knew what exactly happened. I was able to talk.

“I saw Imran and I remember ‘I still remember’.”

Veronica is recovering well and married Cameron in December.

She is looking towards a happy life after she is removed by 100% tumor and is indebted to two people who have made it.

“I don’t think I can express my gratitude for those two surgeons,” she said.

“This is the second time they have saved my life.

“When you see it, you realize what happens in it and they are like gods – they are amazing.”

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