Bill Gates has given Arabs, but ‘still has to give more’

It is towards the end of our interview that Bill Gates has revealed the new numbers how much his charitable foundation has now spent in his efforts to combat and reduce poverty.
“I have given more than 100 billion,” he says, “but I still have more to give.”
This is the dollar, just to clarify, worth £ 80bn.
This is roughly equal to the size of the Bulgarian economy or the cost of manufacturing the entire HS2 line.
But to keep it in reference, it is also as only one year of Tesla’s sale. (Tesla owner Elon Musk is now the richest man on the planet, a position gate held for many years.)
Microsoft and his partner are combining their Arabs through Gates Foundation, co-founder of Philanthropist Warren Buffett, which he originally established with his former wife Melinda.
Gates says philanthropy was quickly provoked. His mother regularly told him “the responsibility of removing it with money”.
The Foundation had a plan to unveil the $ 100BN figures in May for the 25th anniversary. But Gates revealed it specifically to the BBC.
He tells me, for his share, he enjoys giving his money (and about 60 billion dollars of his fate have gone into the foundation so far).
When it comes to their day-to-day lifestyle, he does not really notice the difference: “I did not make any personal sacrifice. I did not order less hamburger or less films.” He can definitely bear the expenses of his personal jet and his various huge houses.
He plans to give the “vast majority” of his fate, but tells me that he has spoken with his three children what the right amount could be to leave them.
Will they be poor after leaving? Asked him. “They will not,” he responds with a quick smile, “absolutely, they will do well, it is not a huge number in terms of percentage”.
Gates is a math man and shows it. At the Lakeside School in Seattle, in the eighth grade, he competed in the four-state regional mathematics examination and did so well that, at the age of 13, he was among the best high school math students of any age in the field There were one.
Maths vocabulary comes to him another nature. But to translate, if you deserve $ 160BN, the Bloomberg’s billionaire index is also, that is also, even your children, leaving a small percentage of their fate, still makes them very rich.

According to Bloomberg, I am only one of the 15 people on the planet, which is Santibillionirs (more than $ 100BN). We are in his childhood home in Seattle, a mid-century modern four-bedroom house is set in a hill, and we are meeting because he is getting a memoir, source code: my beginning, my early life attention Is focusing
I want to find out what a challenging, obsessive child gave shape, who did not fit the ideal in one of the technical pioneers of our age.
He has been brought with his sisters, Christie and libbi, and all three enthusiastically visit the house where they grew up. They have not returned in a few years and have renewed the current owners (fortunately, gates gates brothers -buzzing changes).
But it is bringing back the memories that they include, as they move in the kitchen, now of long -lasting intercom systems among their mother -in -law’s dear rooms. He used it to “sing us in the morning”, Gates tells me, to take them out of his bedroom for breakfast.
Mary Gates also fasted her watches and watches for eight minutes so that the family would work for their time. His son often rebelled on attempts to improve him, but now tells me that “the crucible of my ambition was heated through that relationship”.
He puts his competitive spirit down for his grandmother “Gummy”, which often used to be with the family in this house and who taught him to quickly out the competition with a card game.

I take her down from wooden stairs because she leaves to find her old childhood bedroom in the basement. It is now a clean guest room, but the young bill spent hours, even the day, here in “thinking”, as their sisters kept it.
At one point, her mother was so fed up with the dirt that she seized any item of clothes found on the floor and accused her stubborn son at 25 cents to buy her back. “I started wearing less clothes,” they say.
By this time, he was tilted on coding and with some technology-loving school friends, a local firm’s computer was reached in exchange for reporting any problem. Those newborn days of the technical revolution obsessed to learn for the program, he will come out secretly without going to get more computer time without his parents through his bedroom window at night.
“Do you think you can do it now?” i ask.
He starts opening the catch and opens the window. “It’s not so hard,” he says with a smile because he climbs up and out. “This is not difficult at all.”
There is a famous early clip of Gates in which a TV presenter asks him if it is true that he can jump on a chair from a steep position. He does in the studio there. I am in Gates Bachpan bedroom that feels like “a moment”. The man has about 70. But that is still a game.

He feels comfortable – and it’s not just because we are in a familiar environment. In the memoir, he has publicly manifested in public that he thinks that if he is growing up today, he will probably be diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
In 2012, I had already met him before. He barely looked at me in the eyes because we did a quick interview about their goal to protect children from life-threatening diseases. Certainly no pre-interview was a small matter. I was surprised after our conversation whether he was on the spectrum.
The book excluded it: Hyperfocus’s ability to those subjects: he was interested; His obsessive nature; Their lack of social awareness.
He says that at the Elementary School, he turned into a 177-page report on delaware, written for a brochure about the state, even the local companies addressed the stores asked for their annual reports for their annual reports. Also send envelopes. He was 11 years old.
His sisters say that they knew that he was different. Christie, who is older, says she feels her protective. “He was not a normal child … he used to sit in his room and take the pencil down,” he said.
They are clearly close. Libbi, a doctor, tells me that she was not surprised to hear that she believes that she is on the spectrum. She says, “Surprisingly,” This could be a case “.

Gates says that she has not been formally diagnosed and she does not make plans. “Positive features for my career have been more beneficial than losses, a problem for me,” they say.
She thinks that neurodiversity in silicon Valley “surely” excessively represents “.
Elon Musk has also said that he is on the spectrum, referring to the asperger syndrome. Tesla, X and SpaceX billionaires are famous for Donald Trump, as the inauguration of Trump has other modern -day tech brothers among other attendees, Mark Zuckerberg of Meta and Jeff Bezos of Amazon.
Gates tells me that “you can be condemned about their objectives”, he also approached the President. He had a three -hour dinner on 27 December “because he is deciding about global health and how we help poor countries, which I now have a big focus”.
I ask Gates, the goal of the principles of some beautiful wild conspiracy, what he thinks about the decision taken by Zuckerberg after Trump’s choice Dump fact-checking in America on your sitesGates tells me how governments or private companies are navigating the boundaries between free speech and truth.
“I personally know how you attract that line, but I worry that we are not handling it and at the same time we should also do it,” they say.
He also thinks that children should be protected from social media, telling me that there is a “good chance” Banning under -16, as Australia is doing“A smart thing” is.
Gates tells me that “social networking, even more than video gaming, can absorb your time and worry about other people,” So we have to be very careful about how to use it Is done “.
Bill Gates is not rags for original story Rich. His father was a lawyer, the money was not tight, although the decision to send his son to a private school was “a stretch, even on my father’s salary”.
If they were not there, we would never have heard about Bill Gates.
They first accessed a starting mainframe computer through a tabletpe machine at school, as mothers sold a jumble to raise money. Teachers could not detect it, but four students were on it day and night. “We found the computer to use when we did not,” they say.

Much later, he will establish Microsoft with one of Paul Alan, friends of those school. Another, Kent Evans, the best friends of Gates, will die at the age of 17 in a climbing accident. As soon as we roam in the lakeside school, we pass the chapel where they cremated him and where Gates remembered crying on the steps.
Together, they had large plans. When they were not on the computer, they were reading autobiography to find out which factors made people successful.
Now Gates has written himself. His philosophy? “You were there from the beginning.”
Bill Gates’ Making BBC Two is on Monday 3 February 19:00 and is on iPlayer
Source Code: My start is published on Tuesday 4 February