Belarus Election: ‘No option for Lakashneko’

Belarus Election: ‘No option for Lakashneko’

Steve rousenberg

Russia editor

Reuters Alexander Luakshhenko (profile image)Roots

Alexander Lakhakhenko is the President of Belarus since 1994

There have also been occasions in history when the country is in the grip of electoral fever.

January 2025 is not one of them in Belarus.

Drive around Minsk and you will not see any major hoarding promoting the pictures of the candidates.

Publicity is very less.

The belaried winter gray increases the strong spirit of the sky and hailstorm inactivity.

And unavoidable.

The results of the 2025 presidential election are not in doubt. Alexander Lakashnco, who was once called the “last dictator of Europe”, who has ruled Belarus for more than 30 years, will be declared the winner and secured the seventh term in the office.

His supporters call it a practice in “Belarusian democracy”. Their opponents Reject this process as “a spectacle”.

Even Mr. Lakshinko himself claims not to be interested in this process.

“I am not following the election campaign. I have no time.”

The workers gave him a gift: an ax for cutting wood.

Mr. Lakashnco promised with a thunderous applause, “I will try it before the election.”

An election advertisement in green, red and blue in Minsk. No particular candidate is promoted, but it reminds citizens to vote only on 26 January.

You are unlikely to see the billboard promoting the presidential candidates throughout Belarus – this demonstration reminds citizens of voting on 26 January.

Four and a half years ago, in a separate venture, the leader of Belarus received a very good welcome.

A week after the 2020 presidential election, Alexander Lakashnco visited the Minsk Wheels Tractor Plant. The leaked video featured him ridiculing and pushing him by the workers. They shouted ‘go away! Go!”

Official election results in 2020 – 80% for Sri Lakashnco – had instigated anger and heavy protests across the country. The Belarus residents took to the streets to accuse their leader of stealing their votes and elections.

Thousands of anti -government protesters and critics were arrested in the cruel police action that took place. Finally, the wave of Daman ended the protest and, with the help of Russia, Shri Lakshinko remained associated with power.

Britain, the European Union and the United States refused to recognize him as a legitimate president of Belarus.

Alexander Lakhakhenko’s staunch opponent (and potential rival) is either in jail or forced to exile.

This is the reason that this week the European Parliament passed a resolution in which the European Union was called to reject the upcoming presidential election as “a show” and it was told that the election campaign is taking place in the atmosphere of “serious repression. That also fails to complete. ” Minimum standard for democratic elections “.

I remember Alexander Lakashenko interviewed last OctoberThe day the presidential election date was announced.

“If the Leader of the Opposition is in jail or abroad, how can these elections be independent and democratic?” I asked

“Do you really know who are the Leader of the Opposition?” Shri Lakashenko retaliated.

“Opposition is a group of people who should at least serve the interests of some people of the country. Where are these leaders about whom you talk about? Wake up!”

Alexander is not the only candidate Alexander Lakashnko. There are four others. But they seem more spoiled than those who give serious challenges.

Sergei wears a suit with Sirankov Lal Tie and Communist Party PIN.

Communist leader Sergei Sirankov is still supporting Lakashnco, despite that both of them are in the ballot for the presidency

I drive four hours from Minsk to meet one of them. Sergei Sirankov is the leader of the Communist Party of Belarus. I was sitting in one of his operations programs in the city of Vitabsk. In a large hall, Mr. Sirankov addresses a small audience standing with his party’s symbol, hammer and a passion.

The slogan of his campaign is at least unusual: “not with this, but with Lakashnco!”

He is a presidential candidate who openly supports his opponent.

Mr. Sirankov said to me, “Alexander Luakshinko has no alternative as the leader of our country.” “So, we are participating in the election with the President’s team.”

“Why do you think there is no option?” i ask.

“Because Lakshinko is a man, a man of mud, who has done everything to ensure that we do not have that kind of chaos in Ukraine.”

“You are fighting for power yourself, but you support another candidate. It is … unusual,” I suggest.

Mr. Sirankov’s reply is, “I am sure Alexander Lakashneko will win a tremendous win. But even if he wins and I do not win, the communist will still be the winner.”

“Our state is the main communist in our country. Lakashhenko still has its own old membership card of the Soviet Communist Party days.”

Oleg Gadukevich, the leader of the right-wing Liberal-Democratic Party, is sitting in front of the flag

Oleg Gadukevich, leader of the right-wing Liberal-Democratic Party, says it is “clear” that Lakashnco will win

Apart from this, the ballot is also the leader of the Liberal-Democratic Party leader of Belarus on the ballot. He is also not running to win.

Mr. Gadukevich says to me, “If someone dare to say that the result of the election is not known, then he is false.”

“It is clear that Lakashnco will win. He has a big rating … We are going to fight our position and prepare for the next election.”

Critics of Mr. Lakashhenko dismiss the claim that his popularity is “massive”. But there is no doubt that they have support.

An elderly Belarusian woman wearing a red coat and purple hat.

Zenida, a resident of Oktrabarskaya, believes that while others may be “more worthy of power”, Lakhakhenko represents stability

On the edge of the Vitabsk is a small city of Okrabarskaya. Talking to the people there, I felt worried that changing the leader could create instability.

Welder Sergei says to me, “I want a stable salary, stability in the country.” Other candidates make promises, but may not fulfill them. I want to fulfill what I have got. “

Zenida says, “Today the situation is very tense.” “There may be other people worthy of power. But as long as a young leader puts his feet under the table, important with other countries and his people It makes a relationship, by then it will take a long time.

“God, our end is also like Ukraine.”

There is fear of instability, fear of unknown and government fear in Belarus today. All Alexander works in favor of Luakshhenko.

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