BBC first provides assistance inside Gaza with Jordan’s helicopter

BBC first provides assistance inside Gaza with Jordan’s helicopter

Jordan’s helicopters have started delivery of assistance to Gaza – the first since the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas was declared.

The BBC was allowed to join the mission, which landed in the area of ​​Israel in the southern Gaza between the Israeli border and the city of the plaintiff Al-Slack.

The helicopters descend on a small bandage surrounded by razor wire.

This can only accommodate two landing of blackhock helicopters at a time.

The people of Jordan do not leave the airstrip.

Supply was assisted by Britain.

The view from the wind manifests itself from the mid -day fog – gray ruins and a lifeless landscape.

As we descend, the people of Jordan Air Force first jump and ensure that there is no one from the World Food Program to get help.

A solitary figure in a high-view jacket approach.

Two trucks next to a thorny wire fence are waiting to bring assistance to the nearby Khan Unis.

There are no formality. Help is removed quickly. The helicopters rotor keeps turning all the time.

There is a feeling of real urgency – 14 more helicopters that we are waiting to follow for the landing zone.

Although this is just the edge of the struggle area, the area next to the landing strip resembles a barren land after 15 months of the war.

I noticed that Israeli digging machines were seen in the area.

Jordanis deployed 16 helicopters for Tuesday’s operation.

They are distributing medical supply and child’s formula that may deteriorate when taken on a long road trip.

The official spokesperson of the Jordan government, Dr. Mohammad al-Momani told me that the scenes of human suffering in Gaza were “frightening … and inhuman”.

He said that the Jordan was trying to suffer with the international community and was reducing the victim.

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