Baronic Mone accused of Kovid investigation of ‘Establishment Cover-Up’

Baronic Mone accused of Kovid investigation of ‘Establishment Cover-Up’

Bairon Mone and her husband Doug Bairman have accused the Kovid investigation “establishment cover-up” after her second attempt to give an official role in the investigation.

The couple claimed that they were the goals of “politically motivated witch hunting” after Beronis Hallet, the chairman of the inquiry, refused to make their application “chief participants”.

PPE Medpro, a firm led by Mr. Bairon, was awarded the government contracts of over £ 200M after recommending the ministers by Barrows Mone.

If approved, the official status would have allowed the couple to reach the inquiry documents, make statements and apply to ask questions of witnesses.

Bairon Hallet first rejected his approach in February, stating that it came 468 days after the time limit of applications, and did not admit that “he had a major role in” investigation by investigation. “

He had earlier said that his main focus is on the perspective of ministers and government rather than individual safety equipment (PPE) suppliers.

Covid inquiries are hearing four weeks to see deals to buy £ 15bn of PPE during covid.

The National Crime Agency (NCA) has been investigating PPE Medpro since May 2021, which is more than suspected criminal offenses committed in the procurement process.

Till date no allegations have been brought and the Crown Prosecution Service has not been instructed in the case. 52 -year -old Barrows Mone, and 59 -year -old Mr. Bairon denied the two to wrong.

A special investigation hearing about the company would be behind the closed doors next week, when Barona Hallet said it was satisfied that if the “sensitive evidence” was made public, there was a danger of prejudice for the ongoing NCA investigation.

In a joint statement, Baronon Mone and her husband said that the decision to listen to the evidence in private was “a clear betrayal of transparency and justice” and accused the NCA of wedging “a cruel smear campaign”.

The couple said: “While the investigation refused to exclude the PPE Medpro, it entrusted the power to determine the proceedings behind a wall of privacy, ensuring that only the version of their events is heard – while we are denied the right to protect ourselves.”

One in Social media postBaronic Mon said that he did not feel that the company would be “especially profiles” by investigation by the end of February.

“Till then, it was understood that the discussion was normal, the overall PPE covered the purchase, did not target any individual unit,” he said.

The couple’s statement was released after their second view, which was rejected to the main participants.

Barona Hallet stated that allowing the application to proceed would lead to “further turn of resources” and caused “significant disruption” for the timetable of investigation.

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