Austrian police discovered for ‘mitigation cheating’ suspect

Police in Austria has issued an European arrest warrant for a woman, which believes that the victims have been introduced as a showman to get out of a large amount.
Police said they discovered cash, jewelery and gold of more than 10 meters of euros (£ 8.3 million) in the woman’s house in modeling, near Vienna.
He said that the suspect is a 44 -year -old Austrian citizen named Mariana M, which was named Amela.
His 29 -year -old son has been arrested and he is in custody in the city of Viner Nestdat.
Police say they believe that Mariana M may have cheated people in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
Police say Mariana M told a victim that “a close relative was cursed and had estimated his death. To break this alleged curse, the accused demanded 730,000 euros” cleaning rituals ” 730,000 Euro for ‘.
He said that the victim broke the contact after handing over the money to the accused in several installments. Another woman then informed the victim by telephone that the “mitigation” ritual had fallen into a serious coma as a result of the ritual.
Director of Police in Lower Austria, Franz Pope said: “In a world in which many people are looking for answers to the necessary questions of life, profiteers have established themselves who claim to be entitled to supernatural powers. . “
He said, “They exploit the trust of their victims who are in emotional or financial crisis and are looking for help and support,” he said.
The police have appealed to any other victims to contact the lower state office of the Austrian state to the criminal investigation office.