Arrest after attempted murder by stabbing in hospital

Arrest after attempted murder by stabbing in hospital

Geograph/David Dixon Stock image showing police vans and ambulances outside hospital buildingsGeograph/David Dixon

Staff member in her 50s attacked at Royal Oldham Hospital

A man has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder after a female hospital worker was stabbed and left with life-changing injuries.

The 50-year-old staff member was attacked at the Royal Oldham Hospital at around 23:30 GMT on Saturday, Greater Manchester Police said.

A 37-year-old man was arrested at the scene and the victim was taken to hospital for treatment.

The force said officers are not looking for anyone else in connection with the stabbing and there is no risk to the wider public.

Det Sergeant Craig Rotters appealed for information, saying: “We know news like this will come as a shock.

“The local community can expect to see an increased police presence as we conduct inquiries, but they are also there to provide reassurance and answer any questions you may have.”

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